Highpass Putsch
It was a dark and stormy night in Rhodondra, the capital of Highpass. Pit Kuuk, Archon of Highpass and ruler of the country for the last three years, was attending a private party at a beerhouse close to the main railway station. Also in attendance were several high-ranking members of the Democratic Humanist Party, as well as several female secretaries, in case business was conducted and things needed writing down. The beerhouse staff was courteous and fast, making sure that no one's stein was empty. This of course had the added benefit of an inebriated host and party attendants. Except the female secretaries, of course. At approximately 11.57 PM the door swung open and several men in funny hats stepped inside. The hats, wide-brimmed and high, were traditionally worn by supporters of the Count of Highpass, the rightful ruler of the Veldt. Kuuk, Archon of Highpass, slowly rose from his chair, being both drunk and rather rotund, and challenged the intruders, pointing out his exhalted position and stature. He was immediately shot between the eyes, and then several times more as he lay bleeding out on the floor. The funny hat intruders proceeded to execute everyone of the party attendees. Except the female secretaries of course, in case things needed writing down. It was later found out that the owner of the beerhouse was a supporter of the Count and had tipped off the royalist group.
With the top leadership of the Democratic Humanist Party deposed and disposed, the Count of Highpass, Oze IV, was instated as ruler of Highpass and the Veldt. With a count with massive popular support, and a military that was both weak, underfunded and small, as well as dominated by royalists, the power base of the Humanists had effectively been destroyed. The Count quickly assured Shireroth and the Benacian Union of his continued support for the Raspur Pact, and sent an overture across the Kortilhera Mountains to the regime in Semisa City.