Flix IPTV is a TV company serving in Akhidia. It offers serials and movies for 10 Akhidian Zendert per month.
Foundation period
The company was founded by Zeald Hellis and Rocky Shampton.
The company has agreements with television brands Afeld and Khalsunf.
There are children's cartoons, adult movies and series on the platform.
Since the broadcasting rights, series and film industry are not yet developed in Akhidia, it is very rare to see cinema and theater halls, and opera houses are very few. That's why such a company was established in terms of the development of the Art sector.
Enemies of the Platform
The Flix IPTV platform has long been hostile to a company called Klankhejef that sells movie series tapes. Users who did not bring the tapes to Klankhejef company on time were penalized, which resulted in Klankhejef being sued.