Faronic Constitution of Flaventia
The Faronic Constitution of Dynastic Incarnation of the Lands of Flaventia is the current constitutional framework that describes the government of Flaventia. Legally, it is enforced as Mandate of the Faro, and mandates are themselves legally distinct decrees issued concurrently in each of the four Flaventian lands: Ziegeland, Tas Neemia, Sororiya, and Nova Alrodria. It was first issued in 1624 by Faro Naian Moonoak. Each faro has amended it, expanding or adjusting the Flaventian government as needed. The constitution explicitly establishes an absolute monarchy under the descendants of Nathan Waffel-Paine who have inherited possession of the four Lands.
The constitutional mandate also includes the Domestic Contract of the Imperial and Royal House of Waffel-Paine as incorporated law. This ensures that Flaventia and the House of Waffel-Paine are perpetually enmeshed.
Text of the Constitution
A Decree of the King of Ziegeland; a Pharamāna in the name of the Raja of Tas Neemia; a Decree of the Prince of Sororiya; a Decree of the Lord of Nova Alrodria; all together constituting a MANDATE of the FARO of the DYNASTIC INCARNATION of the LANDS of FLAVENTIA to establish a Basic Guiding Law for the Government of Yellow Island
I. Establishment
- The Dynastic Incarnation of the Lands of Flaventia is a demesne of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation.
- The permanent union of Ziegeland and Tas Neemia, brought about by generations of the Imperial and Royal House of Waffel-Paine culminating in the person of Naian the Evergreen, thus created the new land of Flaventia, of which Ziegeland and Tas Neemia are inseparable halves.
- Flaventia occupies the ancestral and most ancient territory of Natopia: the landmass known as Yellow Island. Excluding the Free and Imperial City of Lindström, Flaventia extends across all of Yellow Island and the surrounding islands of Punkrock, Ferien, the Sakhawat islands, and minor outlying Neemian islands. The Thicket of Moonoak, on Tarsica, is an extra-continental and extraterrestrial territories of Flaventia.
- The capital cities of Flaventia are Anmutstadt and Tassity.
II. Ziegeland
- The Kingdom of Ziegeland is a constituent and permanent part of Flaventia. The King or Queen rules absolutely by decree.
- Ziegeland is divided into administrative duchies, and ceremonial counties.
- The duchies of Ziegeland are Cheshunt, Haven, Hazelwood, and Lochhatonia.
- The capital of Ziegeland is Anmutstadt.
- The King of Ziegeland appoints members of the House of Waffel-Paine as Dukes or Duchesses to govern the duchies. Duchies and ducal titles may pass down from generation to generation with the monarch's approval. The spouse(s) of a Duke or Duchess may use their spouses' title or the title Ducal Consort. Dukes, Duchesses, and their spouses shall be styled as His/Her/Their Grace, if they hold no other higher titles.
- The ducal nobility of Ziegeland are equal in rank, status and dignity with the subahdar nobility of Tas Neemia.
- The monarch's Heir is always the Duke of Lochhatonia. Any ducal or comital titles that the King held prior to becoming King shall be passed down to their heir or suspended until the King produces or adopts an heir.
- The Thicket of Moonoak is a semi-autonomous colony on Tarsica populated by the Hazel people who are loyal to the king of Ziegeland.
- A ceremonial county can be created by the King at their pleasure as a token of appreciation to foreign and domestic friends, who are made Count or Countess. Counties remain within their duchy regardless of the Count's nationality and Counts or Countesses are not responsible for administration, only ceremonial duties. Counties and comital titles are passed down from generation to generation. The spouse(s) of a Count or Countess may use their spouses' title or the title Comital Consort. Counts, Countesses, and their spouses shall be styled as The Very Honorable if they hold no higher title.
- Upon the death of the King, the kingdom is immediately inherited by the king's eldest child. The King of Ziegeland must always be a member of the House of Waffel-Paine and a member of the Dozan Bovic Church.
- The spouse(s) of the reigning King is titled and styled His/Her/Their Highness, the King-consort/Queen-consort/Royal Consort of Ziegeland.
III. Tas Neemia
- The Rājatba of Tas Neemia is a constituent and permanent part of Flaventia. The Raja or Rani rules absolutely by pharamāna.
- Tas Neemia is divided into three administrative subahs, and ceremonial sarkars.
- The subahs of Tas Neemia are Mūla, Kūla, and Rabārṭa.
- The capital of Tas Neemia is Tassity.
- The Raja of Tas Neemia appoints members of the House of Waffel-Paine as Nawabs or Begums to govern the subahs. Subahs and titles may pass down from generation to generation with the Raja's approval. The spouse(s) of a Nawab or Begum may use their spouses' title or the title Subahdar Consort. Nawabs, Begums, and their spouses shall be styled as His/Her/Their Grace, if they hold no other higher titles.
- The subahdar nobility of Tas Neemia are equal in rank, status and dignity with the ducal nobility of Tas Neemia.
- Ceremonial sarkars are created by the Raja as a token of appreciation to foreign and domestic friends. The Mankari of a sarkar is not responsible for administration, only ceremonial duties. Sarkars and the mankari title may pass down from generation to generation at the pleasure of the Rah.
- Upon the death or abdication of the Raja, the rājatba is immediately inherited by the Raja's eldest child or a successor designated by pharamāna. The Raja of Tas Neemia must always be a member of the House of Waffel-Paine. If the Raja has no heirs in the House of Waffel-Paine, the title and crown of Raja of Tas Neemia shall revert to the King of Ziegeland.
- The spouse(s) of the reigning Raja is titled and styled His/Her/Their Highness, the Raja-consort/Rani-consort/Royal Consort of Tas Neemia.
IV. The Faro
- Naian Moonoak the Evergreen of Waffel-Paine, and his direct descendants, represents the culmination of generations of dynastic inheritance incarnated into his person.
- Naian Moonoak the Evergreen of Waffel-Paine, and his direct descendants, ruled as King of Ziegeland, Raja of Tas Neemia, Ruler of the Inner and Outer Lands, and Lord of Yellow Island. These titles are conflated into the high title of Faro of Flaventia.
- The Faro, as King of Ziegeland and in the name of the Raja of Tas Neemia, simultaneously issues decrees and pharamānas as Faronic Mandates to enforce faronic will upon all of Yellow Island and surrounding Flaventian islands.
- In the event of a Faro being under the age of 18 a Custodian will be appointed to fulfill the necessary duties of the Faro until the Faro's 18th birthday. If a Faro's Successor is under 18, the Faro must designate a Custodian for the successor in the tragic event of the Faro's unforeseen death.
- The Faro may appoint a natural-born Flaventian to the office of Minister-President of Flaventia, to govern and carry out the Faro's agenda.
- The spouse of the Faro has no consort title or style, instead using the consort titles of the four Lands.
V. Religion
- The dominant religion of Flaventia is Bovinism.
- All peaceful religions are accepted and respected.
- The Vanic faiths shall not be permitted nor shall their worship be tolerated.
- The duchies of Cheshunt and Hazelwood practice the Jaiesican rite of the Bovic faith guided by the Arch-Druid of the Hazel and the Bosarch of Hazelwood.
- The duchies of Haven and Lochhatonia practice traditional, sometimes conservative, Bovic faith guided by Bosarch of Anmutstadt.
- The Rajatba of Tas Neemia practices the Dhurist rite of Bovinism guided by The Dhury and the Bosarch of Tassity.
VI. Symbols
- Flaventia is home to many peoples and the following ethnic groups are recognized to have a significant presence on and around Yellow Island: the Mehl, the Andi, the Haas, the Hazel, the Neemites, and the Draconians.
- The Crown of Flaventia is composed of parts from throughout Yellow Island: the Crown of St. Taznim, a cap made of red Ziegish velvet, and petrified wood from the Great Hazel Woods.
- The griffin is the symbol of Flaventia.
- The Heraldic Achievement of Flaventia is a griffin holding the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Ziegeland in its right claw and the coat of the arms of the Rajatba of Tas Neemia in its left claw.
- The Flag of Flaventia is the flag of the House of Waffel-Paine.
- The Motto of Flaventia is the motto of the House of Waffel-Paine.
- The Faro is styled and titled as His/Her/Their Dynastic Highness the Faro of Flaventia, Lord of Yellow Island.
VII. Amendments
- This Constitution may be amended only by Mandate of the Faro.
VIII. Waffel-Paine Family
- The Domestic Contract of the Imperial and Royal House of Waffel-Paine is to be considered wholly part of this constitution, the text of which is included in Appendix A.
IX. Sororiya
- The Principality of Sororiya is a possession of Nathan II Waffel-Paine
- The capital of Sororiya is Bagelston.
- The Crown of Sororiya is invested in Nathan II who shall rule as Prince of Sororiya. The Crown and title of Prince shall pass down from Nathan II to his heir and so forth.
- The Prince/Princess of Sororiya may rule in and for the benefit of Sororiya by issuing princely decrees that affect only Sororiya.
- The local government and laws of Sororiya may continue if it does not conflict with Flaventian law or Faronic Mandates.
- The Flaventian system of nobility is extended to include Sororiya and will be determined in detail by Princely Decree.
- The duchies of Sororiya are Zek, Valentina, Soliya, and Henzelon.
- The duchies may be divided into counties by the Prince.
- The spouse(s) of the reigning Prince is titled and styled His/Her/Their Highness, the Prince-consort/Princess-consort/Princely Consort of Sororiya.
X. Nova Alrodria
- The islands of Muckapucky and Augustus are a region of Flaventia known together as Nova Alrodria.
- The capital of Nova Alrodria is Azingrad.
- The Faro of Flaventia is the Lord of Nova Alrodria
- The Lord/Lady of Nova Alrodria may rule in and for the benefit of Nova Alrodria by issuing decrees that affect only Nova Alrodria.
- The local government and laws of Nova Alrodria may continue if it does not conflict with Flaventian law or Faronic Mandates.
- A Lord-Lieutenant may be appointed by the Faro to govern the island in the Lord's absence.
- The spouse(s) of the reigning Lord is titled as the Lord-consort/Lady-consort/High Consort of Nova Alrodria.
Domestic Contract of the House of Waffel-Paine
I, Naian Waffel-Paine, hereby issue this Contract to better organize my extended family; to honor my father, founder of this family and the Nation; and to protect his legacy by ensuring the progression, expansion, and growth of the family for eternity on Micras and beyond:
I. Definition of the House
- The Imperial and Royal House of Waffel-Paine is the extended family organization of Nathan Waffel-Paine, the Founder, and those people related to him by blood, marriage, contract, kinship, or special relationship.
II. Imperial and Royal Status and Conditions
- The House has eternal Imperial status by right of members of the House currently holding, or having held in the past, the position of Emperor of the Natopians.
- The House has eternal Royal status by right of members of the House currently holding, or having held in the past, the conflated positions of Faro of Flaventia, King of Ziegeland, and Raja of Tas Neemia.
III. Foundation of the House
- The House of Waffel-Paine was founded in 1509 AΝ (corresponding to October 5, 2005) by Nathan Waffel-Paine who took the name as a new surname to differentiate and honor his heritage. The name is derived from the Founder's earliest recorded ancestors.
- Waffel comes from the Sin'felo elf clan of the Phoenix Forest, the Founder's oldest known maternal ancestors. In order to Natopianize the name for easier assimilation in Germanic Ziegeland, Nathan's homeland, Sin'felo was changed to "von 'Fel" and eventually became "Waffel."
- The Founder's paternal family is native to Yellow Island, serving as shepherds in the countryside. Therefore "Paine" was chosen to indicate the humble, outlying, pastoral origins of the Founder.
- The name combines ancient mysterious foreign origins and humble native roots. The name may be pronounced "Va-fell-pain" or "Waffle-pain" depending on the speaker's preference. Both pronunciations carry the same tone of respect.
IV. Structure and Rules
- The head of the House holds the title of Avatar.
- The Avatar of the House is the closest living descendant, by blood and absolute primogeniture, of the Founder.
- The Avatar of the House of Waffel-Paine advises members of the House upon marriages or unions that will benefit the member and grow the House in size and prestige.
- Members of the House are expected to show respect and reverence to the Avatar as their elder.
- The Avatar may expel unruly or disrespectful members of the House. All other members who claim their relationship to the House through an expelled member are themselves no longer members.
- Persons who falsely pretend to membership in the House may be subject to legal recourse in appropriate jurisdictions.
- The House's administrative functions are based in family lodges in Anmutstadt and Tassity.
- Members of the House receive no special treatment under the imperial law. Natopia offers no protections to citizens based on birth- or marriage-right unless specifically granted by the Caprine Code.
- Members of the House may enjoy preference of status, certain privileges, and protections as extended to them by Mandate of the Faro when residing in Flaventia.
V. Titles
- The House of Waffel-Paine holds in its own right, separate from individual member's inherited titles, several customary titles that may be granted by the Avatar to certain members of the House who meet special criteria.
- Scion of the Three Peoples, a reference to Mehl, Hazel, and Elivian heritage joining together into the person of Naian Waffel-Paine. May only be held by descendants, by blood or by law, of the union between the Founder and Guinevere Moonoak.
- Vessel of Dual Natures, a reference to the divine and mortal coming together to create a new lineage on Micras. May only be held by descendants, by blood or by law, of the union between the Founder and Guinevere Moonoak.
- Progeny of the Once-Living God, a reference to descent from the Founder, a Bovic god. May only be held by descendants, by blood or by law, of the Founder.
- Reincarnation of The Dhury (prefaced by the appropriate ordinal), a reference to the cycle of reincarnation of Saint Taznim. May only be held by direct, first-born, female, blood only, descendants of Saint Taznim.
- Transcendence of the Dhury, reference to the fulfilled cycle of reincarnation completed by Asara Sisu. May only be used by direct, blood only descendants of Asara Sisu of Waffel-Paine.
- All members of the House may use "of Waffel-Paine" as a post-nomial title in the event that their own surname is not already Waffel-Paine by usual conventions.
- Persons who use these titles without permission will be subject to legal recourse in all applicable jurisdictions.
- Lord or Lady in Jorvik, a reference to titles to the jarldom previously held by members of the House. All members hold this title.
- Marquis/Marquise of Lükanburg, as the Founder was the first marquis, the Avatar of the House holds this title.
- Ancient titles used by the Founder may be used by a Member of the House if the Member is also Emperor of the Natopians and permission is granted by the Avatar.
- Conqueror of Dracoheim
- Uniter of the Demesnes
- Protector of the Eternal Nation
- Guardian of the Icons of the State
- Grand Mayor of Lindstrom City
- Wielder of the Sword of Sovereignty
- Scourge of Lavalon
- Heir to the Line of Drak, may only be used by the descendants of Kyle Kilynn.
- Chief of Clan Moonoak, may only be used by Gwyneth Moonoak and her eldest, most direct, living descendant.
- Chieftain of Clan Moonoak may be used by all descendants of Gwyneth Moonoak.
VI. Membership
Any person may be considered a member of the House of Waffel-Paine if they:
- Are descended by blood from the union between the Founder and Guinevere Moonoak
- Are descended by law from the union between the Founder and Elijah Ayreon-Kalirion
- Are married to a member of the House
- Widows and widowers of a member of the house maintain their membership in the House until they remarry
- Are the legitimate offspring or legally adopted child of a member of the House
- Legitimacy for House membership is defined as being born to two (or more) people who are legally married to each other, or adopted by two (or more) people who are legally married to each other.
- Legitimacy may be granted ex post facto exclusively by the Pentheros of the Dozan Bovic Church.
- Are Grafted into the House by the Avatar
- Any member of the House may publicly declare their permanent and immediate exclusion from the House
VII. Grafting
- The Avatar may Graft a person into the House of Waffel-Paine if they do not otherwise meet the membership criteria but only if they have a close familial relationship to the Founder.
- The family and descendants of a Grafted person are considered full members of the House although they may be disqualified from certain titles that depend on direct descent from the Founder.
VIII. Grafts of the House
- The Vembrian Graft, comprised of the descendants, and their spouses, of Nathan Waffel-Paine's cousin: Erion
VIII. Records
- For as long as the House of Waffel-Paine rules Natopia, the Avatar of the House will provide Empire Library with updated records and family history.
- Family records will be duplicated in the family's royal and permanent dominion, Flaventia, in family lodges in Anmutstadt and Tassity.
IX. Current Membership and Family Titles
X. Addendum
- The family tree of Nathan Waffel-Paine is provided for reference here (http://www.familyecho.com/?p=START&c=xq ... 2626738137)
- The Avatar may re-issue this domestic contract as necessary at his or her pleasure.
- This contract, elements of it, or other familial matters may be incorporated into the law of Flaventia, the dynastic homeland of the House of Waffel-Paine. Such laws will only apply to members of the House in Flaventia and not otherwise exempted.
- Foreign monarchs or nobles who happen to be members of the House are not to be considered subordinate to the sovereignty of the Natopian emperor or the Flaventian faro and are asked to participate in family matters to the extent allowed by their home states.
- The Heraldic Achievement of Flaventia is to be used as the Greater Coat of Arms of the House. The Lesser Coat of Arms of the House are the Arms of Ziegeland, Tas Neemia, and Hazelwood quartered with preference given to Ziegeland as shown in Appendix A and may be used instead of the Heraldic Achievement of Flaventia when appropriate, such as an inescutcheon. A flag with the same design of the Lesser Arms, with ratio 2:1, may be used when required, as shown in Appendix B.
- The House's motto is "Facciamo la baia il nostro lago" or "We make the Bay our Lake".