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Education in Forajasaki

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Order of the Holy LakesForajasaki Education in Forajasaki
Ministry of Education and Curriculum
Minister of Education Mohd Sofwatul Bari Zahid
National education budget (RP 2620/1734 AN)
Budget RF27.9 billion (kr. 27.9 billion)
Per student RF17.2 million
General details
Primary languages Phineaner (official), Istvanistani, Jingdaoese language, Eeshan, Arboric, Sangunese and Taesongean (national)
System type National, state or autonomous regions, local or private
Literacy (RP 2620/1730 AN)
Total 96.7% (all 10 yrs and above)
Male 94.9% total, 98% 10-20 yrs
Female 83.7% total, 93.5% 10-20 yrs
Total 7.4 million with 792 thousands teachers, incl. 1.2 million
Primary 3.72 million
Secondary 2.48 million
Post secondary 620 thousands
Attainment (RP 2620/1730 AN)
Secondary diploma 84.79%
Post-secondary diploma 79.24%

Education in Forajasaki, an realm in the Order of the Holy Lakes is controlled by the Ministry of Education and Curriculum (MOECUFO/KEPEKUFO). Despite being responsibility of the federal government of the federation, each states and autonomous regions has each department of education to coordinate and monitor educational matters in each state. The nearly-end curriculum for compulsory education is Forajasakian National Standard Curriculum for Primary Schools (Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah Forajasaki) and Forajasakian National Standard Curriculum for Secondary Schools (Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah Forajasaki) and will be replaced by Forajasakian National Reformed Standard for Primary Schools and Forajasakian National Reformed Standard for Secondary Schools when the Phineonesian Confederation merged with Hurmu.

In Forajasaki, the education system is divided into five stages: primary education, secondary education, post-secondary education and tertiary education. Compulsory education last for eleven years from age 6-7 to 17-18. Standardized testings play a crucial role in Forajasaki and other Phineonesian realms, but unlike that, it only occurs on the sixth grade (primary school) and the fifth form (Secondary).


School levels

Typical age CollapseGrade
National Grades Independent Schools Religious High Schools
Age 6–12: SRK Age 12–17: SMK Age 17–19: STK Grade/Level Level Level
3–4 Playgroup
4–6 Preschool/Kindergarten
6–7 Darjah I
7–8 Darjah II
8–9 Darjah III
9–10 Darjah IV
10–11 Darjah V Tingkatan Penggal Pertama I (Darjah V)
11–12 Darjah VI Tingkatan Penggal Pertama II (Darjah VI) As-Sanat ul Awwāl Tingkatan I/Mubtadi
12–13 Tingkatan I Tingkatan Penggal Kedua I As-Sanat uth Tsāni Tingkatan II/Mubtadi
13–14 Tingkatan II Tingkatan Penggal Kedua II As-Sanat uth Tsalathah Tingkatan III/Mubtadi
14–15 Tingkatan III Tingkatan Penggal Pertama I (Darjah V) As-Sanat ur Rabi' Tingkatan IV/Al-Mustawi' ūl Asghar
15–16 Tingkatan IV Tingkatan Muda II (Tingkatan IV) As-Sanat ul Khamis Tingkatan V/Al-Mustawi' ūl Akbar
16–17 Tingkatan V Tingkatan Tua I (Tingkatan V) As-Sanat us Sittāh Tingkatan VI/Al-Mustawi' ūl Akbar
17–18 Aliran VI Muda Tingkatan Tua II
18–19 Aliran VI Tua
17/19–varies Varies

Types of school

National schools

Private schools

Boarding schools

Ethnic schools

Religious controlled primary schools

Religious high schools

Independent schools

Independent Shintarian schools
Independent Jingdaoese schools

Arts schools

Athletic schools

Vocational colleges


Primary education

Secondary education

Lower secondary education

Upper secondary education

Post-secondary education

Tertiary education

Special education

Academic gradings

Primary school levels

Secondary school levels

School subjects

School life

Holiday and breaks

For the first four years, schools start on January and ends at beginning or the half of November or December. Next second four years schools start on March and ends on February or January (third and fourth year) and the cycle may continue. Sometimes winter breaks in the second four years last for three to one weeks.

Academic classes were held as usual from Sunday to Thursday in Kuala Forajasaki, Barbara, Sagiri and Tabui while the other states are from Monday to Friday as usual.

School uniforms

School times

Primary schools time starts at approximately 7:30am and ends at 12:30pm (1:00pm if it's Sunday or Monday, 3:50pm if it's Wednesday and if they have co-curricular activities on that day or 12:00pm if it's Friday in some states). Secondary schools time also starts at 7:30am but ends at approximately 1pm depends on the grades. They may go home at 4:10pm if it's Wednesdays and if they have co-curricular activities or 12:00pm on Fridays in some states.

School daily routines

School events

School fun and cultural events

Co-curricular activities

List of uniformed units groups

Education policy

See also