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A Euran devotional portrait of the Prophet Drun. Dated to the early eighteenth century after Norton

Drun, a religious figure active in Eura in the decades following the 1598 Babkhan Holocaust. Founder of the religion of Khalypsil.


Drun was born in the shadow of Mount Duranian. At some point during his youth, he had an epiphany which led him to start a new journey with a group of followers. This group was made up of people from a variety of races and religions, including men, women, children, and the elderly. They were united in their desire for something different and better, and believed that Drun could provide it for them.

As the group traveled across the continent, their numbers grew. They were attracted to the hopeful way of life that Drun offered in a land that had little hope. This vast land was known as Scôr, the Dark Place, due to its harsh conditions and lack of light. Those who sought the light followed Drun, and the group became known as the Train.

In order to maintain order within the Train, Drun's closest advisors and captains formed the Wisdom. The Wisdom was responsible for devising and implementing policies for social cohesion and prosperity. They were aided by a new type of follower known as the Guides. The Guides were responsible for disseminating the lessons of the Wisdom among the Train.

Drun's journey, his third, belonged to him alone. It would succeed or fail based on where the Train had reached when Drun inevitably died.

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