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Aerlan Commonspeak

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Aerlan Commonspeak
Ayrlen Commenspec
Spoken natively in Aerla Aerla
Language family

Constructed languages

  • Aerlan Commonspeak
Writing system Latin
Source Common Tongue, Ranentsi, Hatayyian, Norse, Germanian (Anterreich Dialect)
Official status
Official language in Aerla Aerla
Language codes
MOS-9 codes ac

Aerlan Commonspeak (Commonspeak: Ayrlen Commenspec) is a creole language that is spoken among those in the more rural parts of Aerla, as well as much of the lower classes.

The language borrows loanwords from many surrounding languages, such as Norse, Hatayan and Ranentsi.


Aerlan Commonspeak shares the standard 26 letter alphabet of Common Tongue, but contains several addition letters that are used in place of certain digraphs. It is believed that speakers that these digraphs evolved in written Commonspeak due to long clusters of digraphs in some words. These additional letters are listed below:

Name Character Digraph Example
Abo Ä,ä aa Äplen (Apple)
Ebo Ë,ë ee Oëg (Egg)
Obo Ö,ö oo Grönd (Big, Grand, Great)
Ubu Ü,ü uu Füs (Fox)
Eth Ð,ð th Ðe (The)
Ash Æ,æ ae Æto (Car, Vehicle)
Esset ẞ,ß ss Majlëß (Council, Group)

It is generally accepted that many of these letters were first introduced to Aerla by Norse traders, while the origins of Esset are traced to Anterreich, whose noble families established several colony settlements in the south of modern Aerla.


Pronominal system

The pronominal system works the same as it does in Common Tongue, using a four way distinction of person, number, gender and case.

Commonspeak Pronoun Common Tongue meaning
Ey, Eyn I/Me, My
Yua You, Your
Him/Has/I He/She/It, Him/Her/Its, His/Hers/Its
Ue We, Us, Ours
Yüsa You/Your (plural)
Eis They, Them, Theirs


The following interrogatives can be used:

Commonspeak Pronoun Common Tongue meaning
Uo Who
Was What
Wer Where
Euen When
Wy Why
Us Which
Oed how much/many


  • Commonspeak uses the verb ar as the equative verb
    • ex: Ey ar ðe mjesta ('I am the master.')
  • Commonspeak also uses a locater verb, fi
    • ex: Yua fi ein Nörsale ('You are in Noursala.')


  • The phrase ga is used to indicate the past tense
  • The phrase jo is used to indicate the future tense

The following examples will use the verb walk (strol)

Phrase Meaning
Ey strol I walk (habitually)
Ey do strol I am walking
Ey ga strol I was walking; I have walked
Ey jo strol I will walk; I am going to walk

Language Examples

Commonspeak Meaning
Al, Allo Hi, Hello
Bi, Godbi Bye, Goodbye
Fren Friend
Yung Boy
Mache Girl
Man Man
Uman Woman
Moter Mother
Fater Father
Broter Brother
Serster Sister
Plas Please
Apöl Sorry
Eyapöl Excuse me [1]
Hapi Happy
Sed Sad
Æng Angry

Sample Text

Aerlan Commonspeak Common Tongue
Alle human besens ar ga mödergiven frie en ekuäl in dignyte en rëts. Eis ar ga endoue wit rezin en conscen en shüd akt töw eynanöt in a spirit ov brotershet. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
  1. ^ lit. "I'm sorry"