Book of The Holy Lance
The Book of The Holy Lance is contained within the Nova English edition of the Holy Bible and proclaims the history of Christianity and the birth of Christendom within the Faedertellus. A copy of an early manuscript has now been released by the Church of the Holy Lance and is available through the link below;
Book of The Holy Lance (1701 Manuscript - New Aelfric Bible)
Full Text of the Document
Book of the Holy Lance
Long after the beginning of the world men moved eastwards to reach the ocean which they thought must exist beyond the horizon where all who came before had feared to tread. All around the men was life; plants and animals of every variety roamed freely, but none knew how they had come to be nor made an effort to discover the source of all creation. Men, in these early days, treasured only the items which helped them survive; the swords which they used to cut meat, the blades which they used to harvest plants of the earth and the bows with which animals were bought to the hands and mouths of man. Therefore these weapons were much venerated and all believed them to possess spirits greater than their own which could provide for the needs of earthly beings; such beliefs lead to the worship of a multitude of weaponry and no man questioned that this perceived truth was the only truth by which to live
Ages passed in this way with the truth of the Lord hidden from the eyes of the men of Nova England until, in the very first days of the fledgling Kingdom, a great wonder came upon a lowly village just outside of the walls of the capital city. A young farmer’s son, named Benedict for the Saint whose feast day his birth had fallen upon, wandered upon a low hill to the west of his home as he did oft much to the dismay of his hardworking family who saw idleness in his vain wanderings. Upon this day as Benedict surmounted the rocky summit a great stone came lose beneath his foot and fell to the earth with a noise like a crack of thunder tearing the afternoon sky and the farmer’s son plunged onto the ledge where the rock had lain. When the dust had settled Benedict found himself to be unhurt and drew his short dagger to thank the weapon for protecting him, but as the grey light of the day glinted from the sharpened blade Benedict noticed another shimmering amongst the soil where the great stone had stood. Crawling over to this new wonder Benedict scraped the soil aside and pulled out a short spear-type weapon and held it to the light.
As the spear point met the air and light of the day a short puff of golden cloud appeared from its ancient point and rose rapidly towards the sun. The cloud continued to emerge from the weapon and Benedict froze in fear and wonder as he beheld the ever-thickening string of gold which was appearing before his eyes. The cloud surrounded the hill upon which the farmer’s son lay and rose ever higher in plain sight of the nearby villagers who stopped to watch in awe as the golden funnel reached for the grey clouds which hung above. Benedict looked on as the wisps of golden cloud which had issued forth from the spear swirled upwards and met the sky. As the golden miracle met the sky above great voices tore the stunned silence of the world and Benedict saw angels, each with wings tipped with fire, stood upon the high clouds and they called to each other “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty, the whole earth is full of your Glory. Hosanna in the Highest.” All who saw and heard these things knew that this was the one light of the world, the one Truth of life, for Benedict had found the Spear of Destiny and the men who saw these things knelt before the Lord.
In the times after this great miracle as the word of God started to spread throughout the Kingdom. King Oslic was the first Nova English King to be baptised by Benedict. The King had at first requested a show of force from the Almighty but instead Benedict told the king that the Lord does not need to prove himself as thou should rely upon their faith in his powers. The King at first defiant, gradually became more empowered in the word of God after his advisers told him of the miracle of Alcræftigholm. He asked Benedict for forgiveness, but the young preacher said that God shall always forgive his flock for he will always offer his eternal love.
The King was then baptised but as his body was cleansed of its sins on the banks of the river Grin. A great bolt of lightning leapt from the dark clouds that had appeared from nowhere and struck a clump of heath setting it on fire. As the fire scarcely took hold a raggedy man ran from the fire and collapsed. For the Lord had accepted the King Oslic and now he had protected Oslic's life by flushing the would be assassin from his hiding place. Oslic prayed to God that day and promised that the men and women of the Fatherland would forever be the servants of Christ and the Sword arm of God.
The lance was bought before the people in their settlements and all who touched it felt that God was within it and that all around them, and within them, the Lord was present. Therefore the following of the lance grew and many thousands of Nova Englishmen were followers of the Holy spear and the God that had revealed Himself to them upon contact between weapon and man. Learned men roamed out from the capital city of Nova England and taught to the people that which they had learned, that God was the creator of all things and that Jesus Christ was His son and it was the blood of the Son that stained the spear and caused the Lord God to inhabit its man-made form.
On one occasion a young man who had travelled from the far reaches of Nova England made his way to West Grinstead. He relied upon the kindness of strangers and peddled his skill at arms in protecting other pilgrims on the road to the capital. After many days he reached the stone walls that curtailed the capital. The smooth cobbled streets of West Grinstead guided him to the grand cathedral which sheltered the Holy Lance. When the young man finally reached the pedestal upon which sat the Lance, he fell to his knees unable to move or speak. His eyes were blinded by a light that shone from the Lance itself and as he struggled to cover his eyes a calm voice spoke to him. It told him that he should not worry, for he was a soldier of god, a Sheppard who had protected the weak.
‘But!’ the voice said. ‘Your struggle and the struggle of your kin is not over, for your duty is to protect the light and ensure that it never leaves this land. For there will come a time when the darkness shall try to return, it shall attempt to coerce the faithful but the true believers shall reign triumphant. This is why the Nova English have been chosen as my sword bearers. Your blades are sharp and shields are stout. You shall ensure that when the time comes the light shall remain victorious over the darkness.’
The voice became silent and the young man regained his vision. God had blessed upon him his strategy for the faithful of the nation.