Arbury Cliffs
The Arbury Cliffs are a dramatic outcropping rising from the Silesian Peaks on the colonized planet of Banas belonging to Sayaffallah. The Arbury Cliffs rise 670ft (204 meteres) above the coastline and is also the location of the Arbury Festival a large scale outdoor festival attracting upwards of 450,000 people in the Arbury plains directly on the other side of the cliffs.
The Arbury Cliffs are off limits to climbing however this does not prevent the overwhelming numbers of climbers that descend upon the cliff face each year which leads to damage and erosion but also to death and significant injury of the climbers themselves. The cliffs are extremely remote and require a trip on a dusty un-maintained road leading into the wilderness. It is a journey of 6 1/2 hours from the city of Patras to reach the Arbury Cliffs and most people who attempt it are required to use four wheel drive vehicles because of the frequent stream and river crossings required to make it to the Arbury Cliffs. Presently the legislature on Banas are debating whether or not to create access permits similar to what exists for the Silesian Peaks summiting process however this legislation is tied up in the legislature because many believe it would limit access altogether and create problems for those wishing to enjoy the Arbury Cliffs for their beauty.