This is the current list of nations on the MCS map.
Aemilian FederationRepublic of Aerla
Socialist Republic of Banh Nam
Bassaridia Vaeringheim
Benacian Union
Çakar Empire
Gwlad y Calbain
Imperial State of Constancia
Kingdom of Craitland
Democratic Republic of Daau
Federal Republic of the Forgotten Dark Berry Islands
Confederate States of Floria
Imperial Federation of Ralgon, Valoria, Haifa and Eternia
International Mandate for the Settlements in Apollonia
Garden of Kalgachia
Sultanate of Kurum Ash-Sharqia
Grand Duchy of Lac Glacei
Kingdom of Meckelnburgh
Republic of Mercury
Kingdom of Moorland
Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation
Islamic Republic of New Batavia
Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie
State of Oportia
Realms held in right by the Order of the Holy Lakes
Sanaman Union of People's Republics
Democratic Environmental Society of Senya
Imperial Republic of Shireroth
Tellian Confederation
The Realms Represented by the Hexarchy of Pyrax, Elam, and the Eventide Islands
Three Kingdoms
Republic of Vegno
Union of the Republic of Zeed