Imperial Constancian Armed Forces

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Imperial Constancian Armed Forces


Grade Army / Home Guard Navy Air Force
OF-10 Stratárchis (Field Marshal) n/a n/a
OF-9 Arteshbod (General) Navarchos (Admiral) Pterarchos (Air Chief Marshal)
OF-8 Sepahbod (Lieutenant-General) Antinavarchos (Vice Admiral) Antipterarchos (Air Marshal)
OF-7 Sarlashkar (Major-General) Yponavarchos (Rear Admiral) Ypopterarchos (Air Vice-Marshal)
OF-6 Taxiarchos (Brigadier) Archiploiarchos (Commodore) Taxiarchos (Air Commodore)
OF-5 Sarhang (Colonel) Ploiarchos (Captain) Sminarchos (Group Captain)
OF-4 Tagmatarchis (Major) Antiploiarchos (Commander) Antisminarchos (Wing Commander)
OF-3 Lochagos (Captain) Plotarchis (Lt-Commander) Episminagos (Squadron Leader)
OF-2 Ypolochagos (1st Lieutenant) Ypoploiarchos (Lieutenant) Sminagos (Flight-Lieutenant)
OF-1 Anthypolochagos (2nd Lieutenant) Simaioforos (Ensign) Yposminagos (Flying Officer)
WO Anthypaspistis (Warrant Officer) Anthypaspistis (Warrant Officer) Anthypaspistis (Warrant Officer)
OR-5 Kentarchos (Sergeant) Mahnāvi (Petty Officer) Sminias (Sergeant)
OR-4 Dekaneas (Corporal) Diopos (Senior Seaman) Yposminias (Corporal)
OR-3 Ypodekaneas (Lance-Corporal) Nāvi Yekom (1st Seaman) n/a
OR-2 Sarbāz Dovom (Specialist) Nāvi Dovom (2nd Seaman) n/a
OR-1 Sarbaz (Soldier) Nāvi (Seaman) Sminitis (Aircraftman)


Term Translation Meaning
Air Transportation Squadron Moira Metagogikon Aeroskafon A squadron of aircraft specifically employed for the purpose of transporting passengers and cargo between locations.
Airborne Division Aerometaferomeni Merarhia A formation of infantry trained to conduct attacks against enemy targets delivered from the air either by parachute from transport aircraft or, more commonly, via insertion by helicopters
Armada Stólos the largest naval formation, commanded by a Navarchos (Admiral)
Armoured Division Tethorakismeni Merarhia A division built around regiments of armoured fighting vehicles supported by infantry and artillery
Army Stratia A major military formation comprising of two or more combined arms corps, under the command of a Sepahbod (Lieutenant-General)
Army General Staff Geniko Epiteleio Stratou A body responsible for the continuous study of all aspects of war, and for drawing up and reviewing plans for mobilisation or campaign
Banner Group Omáda Lávaron an operational warfare manoeuvre force formed of four combined arms corps supported by tactical aviation and a naval flotilla under the command of an Arteshbod (General)
Battlegroup Omáda Máchis a composite force built around an infantry regiment reinforced with an appropriate mix of armour, artillery and support personnel and weaponry, relevant to the task it is expected to perform
Brigade Taxiarchia A unit formed from two associated regiments, commanded by a Taxiarchos (Brigadier)
Cavalry Division Merarhia Hippikou The Basileusian Private Guard, formed of the Exkoubitoi, Hikanatoi , and Optimatoi regiments, responsible for the defence of the Basileus, his family and other relatives
Close Air Support Squadron Moira Vomvardistikon Kathetis Eformisis A squadron of aircraft specialising in providing tactical support to ground forces – usually by attacking targets identified by forward observers attached to front line formations
Combined Arms Corps Sóma Syndyasménon Óplon a self-contained unit, formed of eight battlegroups with organic ground combat, close air support, and combat service support elements
Destroyer Flotilla Stoliskos Antitorpilikon a grouping of surface combatant warships under the command of a Archiploiarchos (Commodore)
Division Merarchia A primary army formation, comprising of a mixture of infantry and armour with such supporting troops (artillery, engineers, signals) as may be required. Commanded by a Sarlashkar (Major-General). Typically formed of 8 or more brigades
Fighter Squadron Moira Mahitikon A formation of aircraft employed in the establishment of air superiority over the battlefield, denying the skies to enemy aircraft and protecting allied aircraft employed in other operations
Home Guard Ethnofelaki A national militia with secondary law enforcement and public order responsibilities
Infantry Division Merarhia Pezikou a large military unit or formation, usually consisting of between 10,000 and 20,000 soldiers, with a majority of infantry sub-units
Marine Division Merarhia Pezonauton A formation of infantry specialising in amphibious assaults and ship-borne operations
Mechanised Division Mihanokiniti Merarhia A formation of infantry trained and equipped to keep pace with armoured vehicles
Mountain Division Merarhia Oreivaton Infantry specialising in mountain and high-altitude warfare
Naval Strike Squadron Moira Nautikon Vomvardistikon A formation of aircraft specialising in attacks against enemy shipping
Naval Transport Flotilla Stoliskos Metagogikon A naval formation of ships utilised for the transport of personnel, equipment, and stores over water
Regiment Syntagma A unit under the command of a Sarhang (Colonel) formed from 10 squadrons
Section Dekania A sub-section of a troop, comprised of 8 soldiers under the command of a Dekaneas (Corporal)
Sentinels Excubitors A regiment of the Basileusian Private Guard
Squadron Moíra A unit comprised of 120 personnel formed from three troops under the command of a Lochagos (Captain)
Strategic Bomber Squadron Moira Stratigikon Vomvardistikon A force of bomber aircraft specialising in the destruction of targets of economic, industrial, and political significance
Submarine Flotilla Stoliskos Ypovryxion a grouping of submersible vessels utilised in the underwater component of naval warfare
Tactical Bomber Squadron Moira Taktikon Vomvardistikon A tactical aviation unit specialising in attacking targets of immediate military value
Troop Kentarchia The sub-unit of a Squadron, comprised of 40 personnel under the command of a Anthypolochagos (2nd Lieutenant) supported by a Kentarchos (Sergeant)
