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Map of the United Provinces of East Cyberia

United Provinces of East Cyberia

U.P.E.C., the United Provinces of East Cyberia, the first of many alternate Cyberias, was founded as a result of the First War of Cyberian Liberation. Lead by Michael Rosario, the leftist governor of Menet Province, U.P.E.C. evolved from an alter-ego of the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia into the United Radical Communities and later into the discussion group Eudaimonia.

The stresses on the Commonwealth and the different philosophies espoused by its large membership were not ended by the departure of U.P.E.C. and of Rosario's faction.

The illustrious Mike Phyle attempted to revive U.P.E.C. in 2002. (The author believes this map to be Mr. Phyle's revision of an original by Mr. Rosario.)

The Constitution of U.P.E.C. may be seen here:


and here: UPEC Constitution

The Flag of the United Provinces of East Cyberia