Sxiro-Kalgachi Diplomacy
The practice of Sxiro-Kalgachi Diplomacy arose from the establishment of informal bilateral relations between the Imperial Republic and the Garden of Kalgachia following the collapse of the Minarborian Empire and the subsequent partition of inner Benacia. The relationship, although ameliorated by the Slavegate Treaty of Peace and Civility, tends to be transactional - limited to specific points of cooperation and deconfliction. Ultimately the geopolitical visions and even the theologies of the two vastly mismatched realms diverge to the point of almost being irreconcilable.
Seal or Image | Originator | Recipient | Date | Subject | Text |
Office of the Imperial Plenipotentiary to the Micras Treaty Organisation, and High Representative to Other Nations on behalf of the Office of the Steward |
Directorate of the Tumultuous Wastes (Copy to the Military Coordination Council) |
06.III.1655 | Sale of Weapon Systems to Nova England | Dear Sirs, Please be advised that the Imperial Republic considers the potential release[1] of the Malus hypersonic anti-gravtank missile to a member-state of the USSO to be a roundabout way of passing the weapon-system and its associated technologies to the Empire of Jingdao. We consider this to be potentially inimical to our interests as we are presently in an ongoing - and persistent - state of war with the aforementioned. Moreover Nova English Free Companies are actively engaged in supporting the Jingdaoese infestation in Western Benacia, our shared homeland. The Imperial Government therefore is of the opinion that this proposed weapons trade represents a violation of Article IV of the Slavegate Treaty. We of course remain committed to addressing any differences that may arise by the medium of dialogue conducted with due civility. We will however, in compliance with the treaty and with all due consideration for the safety and comfort of your enterprising diplomatic staff and El Kal employees, advise you that the Imperial Republic will consider itself to be in a state of war with Nova England from the moment that nation is reported to be at the point of receiving advanced Kalgachi weapons systems. Please be assured of our continuing highest consideration. | |
Directorate of the Tumultuous Wastes | The Diplomatic Residency of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, Oktavyan (Copy to the Military Coordination Council) |
Harvestfall 14th, 161 AL | Sale of Weapon Systems to Nova England | Your Assorted Excellencies, The objection of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth to certain elements of Kalgachi assistance to the Kingdom of Nova England is noted. Contrary to the position in Shirekeep, however, the Garden of Kalgachia does not presently consider the government of Nova England to be at war with Shireroth by virtue of its commercial investments alone. Nor does Article IV of the Slavegate Treaty address anything other than the most direct assistance to a power whose army, under the flag of said power, is engaged in armed hostilities against one of the signatories (although under Article XII it does bind the signatories themselves to refrain from outsourcing military aggression to mercenary elements inhabiting or transiting the signatories' jurisdiction). The Nova English military is currently not in a state of armed conflict with Shireroth, nor have links of direct command between the Nova English government and such soldiers of fortune as may be operating in opposition to Shireroth's many battlefronts been proven with any degree of reliability. Furthermore the Kingdom of Nova England, holding only Associate membership of the USSO, cannot be considered to enjoy a state of military alliance with the Empire of Jingdao by default - indeed even in the case of full membership under the USSO Union Treaty, the existence of such a military obligation would remain subject to question. Should the Imperial Republic remain discontented with the above position, The Garden of Kalgachia invites the Imperial Republic to nominate a neutral party whom, subject to Kalgachia's blessing, shall attempt to reconcile any differences of interpretation and, if neccesary, unilterally rule upon same with the undertaking of both our nations to abide by their decision. In the interim, all matters of interpretation aside, Kalgachia recognises that it would be irresponsible to proceed with defensive assistance to Nova England while the latter remains unaware of a direct threat of war emanating from Shireroth. In the spirit of sovereign self-determination, therefore, the Kingdom of Nova England shall be informed of the aforesaid threat before any samples of military hardware are transferred, such that any such transfer will proceed only at the discretion of the Kingdom of Nova England. We hope and trust that this assuages any concerns about arms proliferation held by Shirekeep in the immediate term, until such time as the matter can be resolved more fully. |