Newton to War Minister (RD-2017-01)

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THE CROWN COUNCIL on behalf of His Royal Majesty, August Charles II, By the Grace of God King of Gotzborg, Archduke of Reichlau, Grand Duke of Lucerne, Marshal of the Union of Seven Nations, Lord of the Border Marches, Admiral of the Southern Reaches, Duke & Elector of Jutien, Protector of Anthelia, Count Kendal, acting on authority of Article 13 of the Royal Constitution;

WHEREAS It is continually necessary to look for opportunities to mentor and provide experience to our beloved citizens;

WHEREAS The function of the government is paramount to the successful maintenance and operation of our Kingdom;

THE CROWN COUNCIL have therefore caused these, His Royal Majesty's Letters Patent, to be made and have signed them to release Mr Alberto Balmes i Gràcia from the position of Minister of State for the War Office and thank him for his service to the Kingdom in that role;

THE CROWN COUNCIL does hereby appoint Mr Christian Newton to the position of Minister of State for the War Office;

AND Mr Christian Newton shall be provided with the same benefits and authority as any other Royal Minister.

AND the Crown Council does further direct and enjoin that this Royal Decree shall be read and proclaimed in such places as appropriate within the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Crown Council have caused this Royal Decree by the affixation of the Royal Seal of the Kingdom witness ourself at Lonenberg Palace the seventh day of January in the twenty-eighth year of His Royal Majesty's reign.


August Charles II

King of Gotzborg

CONSOLIDATION NOTES Proclamation: 2017-01-07 Status: In-Force. Status Date: 2017-12-03