Juergen de Cautzburg

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Sir Juergen de Cautzburg, K.S.G., K.E.

Plumbley's Who's Who of Gotzborg
Juergen de Cautzburg
Personal arms
Title Sir
Full name Jeurgen de Cautzburg
Immigrated October 24, 2006
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Juergen de Cautzburg joined Gotzborg in October 2006 and quickly became well-known for posting lectures and articles concerning a variety of general interest topics for community discussion. Upon the return of Gotzborg from hiatus, he founded the King Charles III War Studies College. As its first Superintendent, he authored dozens of lectures concerning military strategy and tactics, making the College one of the most successful educational institutions in the micronational community.

Titles, Awards & Decorations

  1. August William II Medal - Bronze (December 20, 2006);
  2. Knight of The Most Honourable Order of the Eagle (K.E.) (December 23, 2010);
  3. Charles Cross (Military) (December 23, 2010);
  4. King's Christmas Medal 2010 (December 23, 2010);
  5. Knight of The Most Exalted Order of the Star of Gotzborg (K.S.G.) (November 9, 2012);

Government Service

No records available.

Military Service


  1. Captain (RA) (October 27, 2006);
  2. Major (RA) (November 27, 2006);
  3. Lieutenant-Colonel (RA) (January 17, 2007);
  4. Colonel (RA) (October 18, 2010);
  5. Brigadier (RA) (April 11, 2012);


  1. Officer, 11th Royal Infantry Regiment (Hochgebirgsjäger Regiment) (RA) (October 27, 2006 - January 17, 2007) (Family Regiment);
  2. Officer Commanding, 11th Royal Infantry Regiment (Hochgebirgsjäger Regiment) (RA) (January 17, 2007 - April 22, 2007);
  3. Officer Commanding, Friedenstruppen Regiment (32nd Infantry Regiment) (RA) (September 3, 2010 - November 29, 2010);
  4. Superintendent of the King Charles III War Studies College (August 29, 2010 - May 25, 2015);
  5. Military Governor of the Oros Protectorate (November 29, 2010 - );

Police Service


No records available.


No records available.

Other Service

No records available.

Notable Contributions

  1. Founder, King Charles III War Studies College (August 29, 2010);