Ernest Wilde

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Mr. Ernest Wilde, O.E.

Plumbley's Who's Who of Gotzborg
Ernest Wilde
Personal arms
Title Mr.
Full name Ernest Wilde
Immigrated September 10, 2014
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Titles, Awards & Decorations

  1. August William II Medal - Silver (January 27, 2005);
  2. Officer of The Most Honourable Order of the Eagle (O.E.) (July 19, 2005);
  3. Citizen's Medal (1 Year) (December 1, 2005);
  4. Cross for Loyal Service (December 21, 2005);

Government Service

No records available.

Military Service


No records available.


No records available.

Police Service


No records available.


No records available.

Other Service

  1. President of the Chamber of Deputies (October 2, 2004 - January 26, 2005);
  2. Governor-General of the Royal Colony of Lusatia (January 27, 2005 - February 27, 2005);
  3. Editor of the Gotzborg Eagle (February 23, 2005 - June 9, 2006);

Notable Contributions

No records available.