Maenads of Mylecia

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Logo of the Maenads of Mylecia.

Maenads of Mylecia is an ancient, highly secretive, and highly influential convent devoted to the god of ritual madness and fertility. Members of this religious order are responsible for providing health care to the people of central Keltia, as well as other select religious and public services.

Recent Production Reports

890 WG: Prices are High

-Patients: 2.7 Patients / Share

890 Employment Report

-Number of People Employed (% of all Employed): 2,018 (13.5%)

-Total Paid in Wages (% of all Wages): 91 Lievs (%)

-Average Wages / Employee: .04 Lievs

-Value of Company (% of GDP): 6,760 Lievs (38.5%)

Company is Underfunded.