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Duelling Societies (Benacian Union)

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Posed shot featuring Humanist Vanguard members of a duelling society in the Benacian Union.

Duelling societies, established as clubs within Humanist Institutes in the Benacian Union, play an important role in the education of young men destined for elite roles in civil society. These clubs provide an opportunity for male students to come together and learn valuable skills that will help them to succeed in their future roles in society.

One of the key aspects of the education provided by these duelling societies is conditioned social harmonisation. This process is designed to encourage young men to accept their destined roles in society and to develop a sense of unity and cohesion with their peers. Through their participation in the duelling societies, students learn how to work together as a team and how to be leaders among their peers.

The clubs provide a place where young men can come together and engage in the art of dueling. This activity is designed to teach them discipline, focus, and self-control. The dueling also serves as a way to channel their aggressive impulses in a constructive manner, and it helps them to understand the importance of discipline, respect and self-control in their lives.

In addition, the duelling societies provide a forum for young men to learn about the principles of Humanism, and how they relate to their lives. The societies have a strong emphasis on the importance of honour, duty, and respect for authority. Through the teachings of the societies, students learn the importance of these values in their lives and how they can apply them to their future roles in society.

Rules and etiquette of duelling

The rules and etiquette of the duelling society at the Humanist Institutes are designed to ensure that all duels are conducted in a safe and fair manner. The society has strict guidelines in place to govern the conduct of its members, both on and off the duelling field.

Duels are fought to first blood with the sabre, and without protective face masks. The sabre is a lightweight weapon that is designed to be used for cutting and thrusting, and it is considered to be a relatively safe weapon for duelling. The use of the sabre allows for quick and precise movements, which makes it an excellent tool for teaching discipline, focus, and self-control.

The rules of the society dictate that all duels must be conducted in a dignified and respectful manner. This means that all members must show respect for their opponents, and must refrain from taunting or engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct. Additionally, all members must abide by the rules of the society, and must not engage in any conduct that is deemed to be unsafe or unfair.

The etiquette of the society is also governed by strict guidelines. Members are expected to behave in a dignified and respectful manner at all times, both on and off the duelling field. They must also be punctual and well-groomed, and must arrive at the duelling field in full uniform. They must also be attentive and respectful during the instruction provided by the drill instructor.

Members of the duelling society who earn facial scars are seen as having honoured the society and their training, and they are expected to wear their scars with pride. The scar is seen as a symbol of their dedication and commitment to the society, and as a testament to their skill and bravery in the duelling field.

The etiquette of honour for facial scars earned by members of the duelling society dictates that the member should always be willing to tell the story of how they received the scar, and to do so in a humble and respectful manner. They are expected to be proud of the scar, but should not boast about it or use it to intimidate others.

Furthermore, it is considered disrespectful for anyone to mock or belittle a member for their scar, and it is considered a grave insult to touch or otherwise interfere with a member's scar without permission.

As noted, members of the duelling society are expected to maintain the highest standards of personal grooming, and it is expected that scars will be well-cared for and kept clean. It is also worth mentioning that members who have earned scars are expected to be held in high esteem by the members of the society, and are often viewed as role models and leaders.