This is an article related to Nouvelle Alexandrie. Click here for more information.


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Nouvelle Alexandrie

Who's Who of Nouvelle Alexandrie
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[edit] [purge] Template documentation


To use this template, add the following code to the top of the article, filling in all relevant parameters:

| Photo = [File Name]
| Titles and Offices = [Titles and Offices Held]
| FullName = [Full Name]
| Parents = [Parents]
| Spouse = [Spouse]
| Children = [Children]
| BirthDate = [Birth Date]
| DeathDate = [Death Date]
| Family = [Extended Family Info]
| Political Affiliation = [Political Affiliation]
| Occupation = [Occupation]
| CityandRegionofResidence = [City and Region of Residence]
| National Origin = [National Origin]
| Known For = [Known For]
| Associated Organizations = [Associated Organizations]
| Citizenships = [Citizenships]


The template uses the following parameters:

  • Photo: The image file for the individual's photograph.
  • Titles and Offices: List or text describing the various titles and offices the person holds or has held.
  • FullName: The full name of the person.
  • Parents: Names of the parents.
  • Spouse: Name of the spouse, if applicable.
  • Children: Names of children, if any.
  • BirthDate: Date of birth of the person.
  • DeathDate: Date of death, if applicable.
  • Family: Other family information.
  • Political Affiliation: Political group or ideology the person affiliates with.
  • Occupation: Profession or line of work of the person.
  • CityandRegionofResidence: The administrative division where the person currently resides.
  • National Origin: The person's original nationality or place of birth.
  • Known For: What the person is widely known for.
  • Associated Organizations: Any organizations, political causes, or businesses the person is associated with.
  • Citizenships: List or text describing the citizenship(s) the person holds.


The template uses New Alexandrian colors for a better visual representation:

  • Header Background: #f3bd51     
  • Header Text: #251817     
  • Main Background: #ffffff     
  • Border: #913a6a     


Nouvelle Alexandrie

Who's Who of Nouvelle Alexandrie
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Deputy of the Federal Assembly, Former Ambassador to the Wechua Nation
Titles and Offices Held
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Full Name Dr. Elena M. Torres
Parents Maria Torres and Joaquin Torres
Spouse Rafael G. Alvarez
Children Isabella Alvarez, Miguel Alvarez
Birth Date February 15, 1975
Family Sister: Ana Torres; Brother: Luis Torres
Political Affiliation Progressive Alliance
Occupation Politician, Diplomat
City and Region of Residence Cardenas, Santander
National Origin Santander, Nouvelle Alexandrie
Known For Her contributions to international trade policies and diplomatic relations.
Associated Organizations Nouvelle Alexandrie Diplomatic Corps, Progressive Alliance Party
Citizenship(s) Nouvelle Alexandrie