MicrasWiki:Featured/December, 2023

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Revision as of 19:43, 5 December 2023 by Craitman (talk | contribs) (Micrasanta's featured before. Let's let his cousin have this one!)
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Lord Toastypops is a being of quasi-divine status inhabiting the Octavian mountains of west-central Benacia, where he has accumulated significant folkloric prestige over the span of several mortal generations and different nation-states. His persistence in a physical sense is owed to his port-mortem animation by the caste of necromancers whose undead creations prevailed among the societies of southern Benacia between -500 and 145 Anno Libertatis. The unique nature of Lord Toastypops' animating force - obtained from the collective jollity of the world rather than artificially-laid necromantic ley lines - ultimately gave him a partial immunity to the catastrophic de-animation which struck his fellow liches en masse and tipped the Empire of Minarboria into collapse. More...