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Social Democratic & Liberal 1718 General Election Campaign (Nouvelle Alexandrie)

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Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance in the 1718 AN General Election
Heading Text
Party Leadership and Candidate Details
Party Leadership
Nominee for President of the Government Maria Teresa Motochanchi
Candidate List 661 seats
Political Alignments
Economic -0.8 (left-wing)
Social -0.7 (liberal)
Geography 0.0 (neutral)
Cultural -0.6 (populistic)


We, the Social Democratic and Liberal Alliance, are committed to building a better future for all Nouvelle Alexandrians. We believe in creating a society that is fair, just, and equitable, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and achieve their full potential. We stand for progressive policies that prioritize the needs of the people, not the interests of the elite.

Defense and National Security

The safety and security of our nation are of the utmost importance. We believe in maintaining a strong national defense and investing in our military to ensure the protection of our citizens. We will work to ensure that our military has the resources and training necessary to defend our nation and our values.

  1. Strengthening the military: The SDLA believes in a strong military that is well-equipped, trained, and ready to respond to any threat to our nation's security. We will work to increase funding for the military and ensure that our armed forces have access to the latest technology and equipment.
  2. Investing in cyber defense: The SDLA recognizes the growing importance of cybersecurity in the modern world. We will work to invest in cyber defense and ensure that our government and private sector entities are protected against cyber threats.
  3. Enhancing intelligence capabilities: The SDLA believes that intelligence is critical to maintaining national security. We will work to increase funding for intelligence agencies and promote collaboration between them to ensure that we have the most accurate and timely information about potential threats to our nation.
  4. Addressing the root causes of extremism: The SDLA believes that addressing the root causes of extremism is critical to national security. We will work to invest in programs that address poverty, education, and healthcare in areas that are vulnerable to extremism, to prevent the spread of extremist ideologies and promote stability.
  5. Promoting global peace and security: The SDLA believes in promoting peace and security around the world. We will work to strengthen our diplomatic relationships with other nations, participate in international peacekeeping efforts, and support global efforts to address issues such as terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and climate change.

Economy and Jobs

We believe in a robust and inclusive economy that benefits all Nouvelle Alexandrians. We support policies that promote job creation, stimulate economic growth, and improve financial stability. We will work to ensure that our tax policies are fair and progressive, and that our infrastructure investments create jobs and stimulate growth in all regions of the country.

  1. Protect the minimum wage: We believe that all workers deserve a living wage and we will work ensure minimum wage is at a level that provides a basic standard of living.
  2. Strengthening workers' unions: Unions play a vital role in protecting the rights of workers and promoting fair labor practices. We will work to strengthen collective bargaining rights, improve union protections, and support the formation of new unions.
  3. Expanding access to paid family and medical leave: Workers should not have to choose between their jobs and caring for themselves or their loved ones. We will support policies that ensure all workers have access to paid family and medical leave.
  4. Addressing income inequality: We believe that every worker should be paid fairly for their work. We will support policies that promote income equality and reduce wage gaps, including through progressive taxation and stronger labor protections.
  5. Protecting workers from discrimination and harassment: No worker should face discrimination or harassment in the workplace. We will support policies that strengthen protections against discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other characteristics.
  6. Ensuring workplace safety: Every worker deserves to work in a safe environment. We will work to strengthen regulations and oversight to ensure that employers provide safe workplaces and protect workers from harm.
  7. Progressive tax system: Nouvelle Alexandrie needs a progressive tax system that will ensure that the wealthiest pay their fair share. We believe that the current tax system favors the rich and needs to be reformed. Our proposal includes increasing taxes on the wealthiest individuals and corporations while also closing tax loopholes that allow them to avoid paying their fair share.
    1. We will introduce a new tax bracket for individuals earning over 1 million ecu a year, with a higher tax rate than the current top rate. We will also increase the tax rate for capital gains and dividends to match the top marginal income tax rate. Additionally, we will increase taxes on inheritances and establish a tax on financial transactions.
    2. To prevent tax evasion and ensure compliance, we will increase funding for the government's tax collecting agencies and officials and implement penalties for corporations and individuals who fail to pay their taxes. We will also work to close tax loopholes that allow the wealthy to avoid paying their fair share and strengthen regulations to prevent offshore tax avoidance.

Economic Inequality

We recognize the growing income disparities in our society, and we are committed to addressing economic inequality and poverty. We support policies that promote wealth redistribution, access to education, and job training programs that prepare workers for the jobs of the future.

  1. Implementing progressive taxation policies: We will reform the tax code to ensure that the wealthiest individuals and corporations pay their fair share in taxes. We will also close tax loopholes that allow the wealthy to avoid paying their fair share.
  2. Strengthening labor rights: We believe in the power of collective bargaining and will work to strengthen unions and other worker organizations. We support policies that promote fair wages, safe working conditions, and equal pay for equal work.
  3. Providing universal access to healthcare: We believe that healthcare is a basic human right and will work to implement a single-payer healthcare system that provides universal coverage to all New Alexandrians.
  4. Expanding access to affordable housing: We support policies that promote the construction of affordable housing and provide financial assistance to low-income individuals and families to help them secure stable housing.
  5. Investing in education and job training: We support policies that increase access to education and job training programs that prepare workers for the jobs of the future. This includes increasing funding for public schools and expanding access to vocational training and apprenticeship programs.
  6. Establishing a living wage: We believe that all New Alexandrians deserve to be paid a living wage that allows them to support themselves and their families. We will work to establish a national minimum wage that is tied to the cost of living in each region of the country.
  7. Promoting wealth redistribution: We support policies that promote wealth redistribution, including increasing taxes on the wealthy and implementing policies such as a wealth tax. The revenue generated from these policies will be used to fund social programs and infrastructure projects that benefit all Nouvelle Alexandrians.

Housing and High Rents

The high cost of housing and rising rents are major concerns for many Nouvelle Alexandrians. We support policies that promote affordable housing, protect tenants' rights, and ensure that everyone has a safe and stable place to call home.

  1. Increase funding for affordable housing: The government will increase funding for affordable housing projects, particularly for low-income families, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. We will ensure that all projects are well-designed, well-maintained, and located in neighborhoods with access to public transportation, schools, and other services.
  2. Protect tenants' rights: We will strengthen tenant protection laws to prevent landlords from evicting tenants without just cause, and to protect tenants from rent gouging and excessive rent increases. We will also establish a Tenant Bill of Rights that includes provisions for safe and habitable housing, protection against retaliation, and access to legal resources.
  3. Expand homeownership opportunities: We will promote homeownership by providing access to low-interest loans, down payment assistance, and homebuyer education. We will also work with local governments to reduce barriers to new housing development, particularly in high-demand areas.
  4. Invest in infrastructure: We will invest in transportation and infrastructure projects that increase access to affordable housing, including expanding public transportation networks and developing affordable housing near transit hubs. We will also incentivize private developers to invest in affordable housing projects.
  5. Increase access to homelessness services: We will expand funding for programs that address homelessness, including emergency shelters, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing. We will also work to increase access to mental health services, addiction treatment, and job training programs to help individuals transition out of homelessness and into stable housing.
  6. Social housing: We recognize that access to safe, stable, and affordable housing is a basic human right. To address the current housing crisis, we will launch an ambitious social housing program that will aggressively build affordable housing for low and middle-income families. Our program will prioritize the use of sustainable materials and designs, and aim to create livable communities with access to public transit, green spaces, and essential services. We will also work to ensure that our social housing program is inclusive, accessible, and free from discrimination.


We believe that education is a fundamental human right and the foundation of a prosperous society. We support policies that promote universal access to quality education, teacher training and support, and increased funding for public schools.

  1. Increasing funding for public schools: The SDLA recognizes that not all Nouvelle Alexandrians have the means to attend Grand Institutes or private schools. We believe in providing quality education to every citizen and will increase funding for public schools to ensure that students receive the resources and support they need to succeed.
  2. Support for teacher training and development: Teachers are the backbone of our education system, and we believe that they deserve our support and investment. We will provide ongoing training and development opportunities to help teachers improve their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest teaching methods and technologies.
  3. Expansion of vocational training: We recognize that not every student wants to pursue a traditional four-year degree, and we will work to expand vocational training programs that prepare students for careers in high-demand fields such as healthcare, technology, and skilled trades.
  4. Universal access to higher education: We believe that access to higher education should be available to everyone, regardless of their ability to pay. We will work to reduce the cost of higher education, provide financial aid to students who need it, and promote alternative funding models such as income share agreements.
  5. Creation of social housing for students: We recognize that housing costs can be a major barrier to accessing higher education, and we will work to create social housing for students to help alleviate this burden. We will work with regional governments and universities to identify areas of need and develop affordable housing options for students.
  6. Curriculum reform: The SDLA recognizes that the world is constantly changing, and our education system needs to keep up with the times. We will reform the curriculum to include modern topics and skills such as digital literacy, environmental education, and critical thinking.
  7. Reducing class sizes: The SDLA recognizes that smaller class sizes lead to better student outcomes. We will work to reduce class sizes in public schools to ensure that every student receives individual attention and support.
  8. Promoting diversity and inclusivity: The SDLA recognizes the importance of promoting diversity and inclusivity in our education system. We will work to ensure that every student, regardless of their background, feels welcome and supported in their learning environment.

Foreign Policy and Trade

We support fair and progressive trade policies that prioritize the interests of working people and protect the environment. We believe in diplomacy and cooperation with our international partners, and we will work to promote human rights and social justice around the world.

  1. Fair trade agreements: We will ensure that all trade agreements negotiated by the government prioritize the interests of working people and protect the environment. Our party will not support any trade agreement that does not include strong labor and environmental protections.
  2. Strengthening international cooperation: We will work to strengthen international cooperation on issues such as climate change, global health, and human rights. Our party will prioritize diplomacy and collaboration with our international partners in order to address these challenges.
  3. Promoting human rights and social justice: We will stand up for human rights and social justice around the world, including the rights of workers, women, and marginalized communities. We will use our platform to advocate for policies that advance these causes, and we will hold governments accountable when they violate these fundamental rights.
  4. Protecting the environment: We recognize the urgent need to address the climate crisis and protect the environment. Our party will prioritize policies that promote sustainability and environmental justice, and we will advocate for strong international agreements to combat climate change.
  5. Addressing global inequality: We believe that global inequality is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Our party will work to address this challenge by supporting policies that promote economic development, reduce poverty, and promote social justice around the world. We will prioritize aid and development programs that are focused on creating sustainable, equitable growth.


We believe in addressing crime rates and ensuring public safety through community policing, investing in crime prevention programs, and providing support for victims of crime. We will work to reduce recidivism rates through effective rehabilitation programs and reforms in the criminal justice system.

Infrastructure and Transport

We recognize the importance of modernizing our infrastructure and transportation systems. We support investment in roads, bridges, and public transport, as well as expanding broadband access in rural areas. We believe in a green and sustainable future, and we support policies that promote renewable energy and protect our natural resources.

Ethnic and Religious Tensions

We are committed to fostering social cohesion and promoting inclusivity in the face of growing ethnic and religious tensions. We will work to promote understanding and respect for all cultures and beliefs and to ensure that all Nouvelle Alexandrians feel safe and welcome in their communities.

Gun Policy

We support common-sense gun control measures that protect the public from gun violence while respecting the rights of responsible gun owners.


We believe in protecting our environment and promoting a sustainable future for all. We support policies that promote renewable energy, reduce pollution, and protect our natural resources for future generations.


In conclusion, the Social Democratic and Liberal Alliance of Nouvelle Alexandrie stands for policies that prioritize the needs of the people and create a fair and just society for all. We are committed to building a brighter future for our nation and its citizens.



Campaign Ads

Leader's Speeches

Campaign Kick-off Speech

Maria Teresa Motochanchi, Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance

Ladies and gentlemen, comrades, fellow citizens of Nouvelle Alexandrie,

I stand before you today, Maria Teresa Motochanchi, leader of the Social Democratic and Liberal Alliance, humbly and with a fire that burns deep within me. I cannot stand idly by as our great nation is held captive by an indifferent and self-serving political elite. I call upon each and every one of you to join me in a fight for a better future, a future where workers and families are put first. A future where the SDLA stands by your side, as we work to reclaim what is rightfully ours.

For far too long, the interests of the many have been neglected in favor of the few. But today, we say "enough is enough!" We must dismantle the oppressive structures that have held back the working class and their families. As the leader of the SDLA, I pledge to you that we will fiercely advocate for policies that promote social justice, economic equality, and a brighter future for all.

We will not shy away from bold, socialist policies that will redistribute wealth and power back to the people. We will put an end to the exploitative practices that have left our workers and their families suffering. We will demand fair wages, affordable healthcare, and access to quality education for all. We will not rest until every citizen of Nouvelle Alexandrie can live a life free from poverty, insecurity, and fear.

But we cannot do this alone. The time has come for you to rise up and demand better for yourselves and your families. The time has come for you to reclaim your political power and make your voices heard. Join the SDLA, and together, we will fight for a government that truly represents the people, not the privileged few.

To those who have strayed from our party in recent years, I understand your frustration and disappointment. But know this: the SDLA has learned from its past mistakes, and we stand before you today stronger, more focused, and more committed to our cause than ever before. This is a new beginning, and I ask you to place your trust in us once more, as we embark on this journey toward a brighter, more equitable future for all.

Together, we will build a society that values the collective good over individual greed. Together, we will create a government that truly represents the interests of the working class and their families. Together, we will forge a future where no one is left behind, and every citizen of Nouvelle Alexandrie can live a life of dignity and opportunity.

So, my fellow citizens, let us join hands and stand united, as we march forward in the name of progress, justice, and equality. The time for change is now, and the SDLA is ready to lead the charge. Are you with us?

Thank you, and may the spirit of solidarity guide us in the days to come.

Day Two Leader's Speech

Additional Details