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Promotion of Sports Act, 1694

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Promotion of Sports Act, 1694

Cortes Federales
Long title An Act to create the foundation for the sports industry; to strengthen its competitiveness; to yield more opportunities for people to make good use of their leisure time through sports; and to contribute to a sound development of the national economy, by prescribing matters necessary to promote the sports industry; among other purposes.
Number 009
Introduced by Deputy Maximinus Kerularios, Deputy from Alduria (FHP)
Extent Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie
Royal Assent 14.XIV.1697 AN
Commencement 14.XIV.1697 AN
Text of statute as originally enacted

Key provisions

Legislative history

Status Date Tabled By Vote Outcome
Introduced in the Federal Assembly 1694 AN Deputy Maximinus Kerularios (FHP)
Debated in the Federal Assembly 1697 AN
Passed in the Federal Assembly 1697 AN
Debated in the Chamber of Peers 1697 AN
Passed in the Chamber of Peers 1697 AN
Royal Assent 1697 AN




Ordered, by the Cortes Federales of Nouvelle Alexandrie,
to be Printed, 1694 AN.


BE IT ENACTED by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Cortes Federales, in this present 1st session assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-



  1. This Act may be cited in all purposes as the “Promotion of Sports Act, 1694.”


  1. The terms used in this Act shall be defined as follows:
    1. The term "sports" means activities to cultivate a healthy mind and body through physical activities, such as sports events and outdoor sports, and to make good use of leisure time;
    2. The term "professional sports" means activities of sports events conducted by players;
    3. The term "sports for all" means sports activities conducted voluntarily in daily life for the promotion of health and fitness;
    4. The term "player" means a person registered as a player in an athletic affiliate;
    5. The term "member of the national team" means a person selected and determined to be sent to an international game (excluding a friendly game) by the Federal Sport Committee, or an athletic affiliate;
    6. The term "certified sports leader" means a person qualified under this Act as one of the following, in order to instruct sports at schools, workplaces, local communities, other sports organizations, etc.:
      1. A certified sports instructor;
      2. A certified fitness trainer;
      3. A certified sports instructor for the disabled;
      4. A certified youth sports instructor;
      5. A certified senior sports instructor.
  2. The term "affinity sports group" means a gathering of persons who participate on an ongoing basis in the same sports-for-all activities;
  3. The term "sports team" means a sporting group at a school or place of work, comprised of players;
  4. The term "sports organization" means a corporation or organization established for the purposes of conducting sports-related activities or businesses;
  5. The term "doping" means ingesting or using forbidden drugs or methods listed and announced by the federal government or designated by the law for enhancing players' physical capabilities;
  6. The term "athletic affiliate" means a juristic person or organization established for the purposes of conducting activities and businesses relating to a specific sport and affiliated with the Federal Sport Committee, or a professional sports organization designated by the Secretary of Culture and Sports;
  7. The term "sports betting ticket" means a ticket to issue a refund to a person who correctly predicted the outcome of a sports game and in which the method and amount of betting and other matters prescribed by the law are entered.
  8. The term “local government” means all the governmental jurisdictions below the level of regional government.


  1. The regional and local governments shall take measures for the promotion of national sports and shall encourage, protect, and develop voluntary sports activities of people.
  2. The Department of Culture and Sports shall formulate and implement basic policies for the promotion of national sports.
  3. The heads of local governments shall formulate and implement plans for the promotion of sports for their respective local governments in accordance with the laws.
  4. A regional sports promotion council (hereinafter referred to as "council") may be established under the authority of a regional government to establish a plan for the promotion of sports of the local governments and consult on other important matters concerning the promotion of sports.
  5. Matters necessary for the organization and operation of a council shall be determined by proper legal ordinance of the relevant local government.
  6. In cases of a request by the Secretary of Culture and Sports or the head of a regional government with respect to the formulation and implementation of basic policies and plans for the promotion of sports, the relevant agencies and organizations shall provide cooperation with regard thereto.
  7. Local governments shall create environments for residents to make sound sports activities part of their daily lives, such as facilities, and support them for the promotion of health and fitness of residents.
  8. Local governments shall directly hold sports meets arranged through their respective administrative district units at least once a year or shall support sports organizations to hold such sports meets.
  9. Local governments shall hold employees' sports meets at least once annually.
  10. Schools in Nouvelle Alexandrie shall take necessary measures to enhance students' fitness and to encourage their sports activities.
  11. The state and local governments shall formulate policies necessary for promoting workplace sports.
  12. The head of each workplace shall take measures necessary for promoting employees’ fitness and encouraging their sports activities by establishing affinity sports groups and sports promotion management committees, as prescribed by a Royal Decree or an Act of the Cortes Federales.
  13. Affairs concerning workplace sports shall be directed and supervised by the Department of Culture and Sports.
  14. The regional and local governments shall formulate necessary policies to promote and support recreational sports activities in order to enable people to make good use of their leisure time.
  15. The regional and local governments shall ensure the propagation of recreation and fostering of sound professional sports, and shall guide the sound performance of national recreational sports activities, such as horse racing, cycle racing, and boat racing.
  16. In order to encourage people to voluntarily participate in sports for all and to support scientific management of their fitness, the state and local governments shall prepare policies necessary for sports-for-all activities and certification of fitness.
  17. In order to ensure professionalism and credibility of certification, the Secretary of Culture and Sports may designate a certification institution in accordance with the standards for designation as prescribed by a Royal Decree or an Act of the Cortes Federales.


  1. The regional and local governments shall formulate policies necessary for the appropriate securing and utilization of sports facilities necessary for the sports activities of people.
  2. The regional and local governments shall formulate policies necessary for the establishment and operation of facilities necessary for the sports Activities of persons with disabilities and take measures for persons with disabilities to preferably use such facilities.
  3. The heads of workplaces shall install and operate facilities necessary for the sports activities of employees, and sports facilities at schools shall be open to residents for their use to the extent that does not interfere with school education.
  4. The regional and local governments shall encourage the establishment of private sports facilities and ensure they are operated in a sound manner.
  5. Matters necessary for the establishment, utilization, etc. of sports facilities shall be provided separately by other Royal Decrees or Acts of the Cortes Federales.


  1. The Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie shall protect and foster players and certified sports leaders as required.
  2. The Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie, as well as regional and local governments, shall prepare a unified award system necessary for fostering outstanding players and certified sports leaders.
  3. The Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie shall provide grants for encouragement or subsidies for living costs to players who have won a medal or a prize in international sport competitions determined by the law, or persons who coached them, and senior athletes who have contributed substantially to the promotion of sports, as prescribed by a Royal Decree or an Act of the Cortes Federales.
  4. The Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie and local governments shall establish centers for reporting and counseling to protect players and certified sports leaders from violence, intimidation, and forced wrongful orders, or may entrust the relevant programs to institutions or organizations prescribed by Royal Decree or an Act of the Cortes Federales. In such cases, a person who is or was engaged in reporting and counseling shall not divulge or provide information learned while performing his/her duty.
  5. Matters necessary for establishing and operating centers for reporting and counseling shall be prescribed by Royal Decree or an Act of the Cortes Federales.
  6. Where a member of the national team or a person coaching members of the national team dies or is injured severely during an international game, training or coaching, the Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie shall designate him/her as a person with distinguished services to New Alexandrian sports.
  7. The Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie shall pay compensation to persons with distinguished services to New Alexandrian sports corresponding to compensation for persons with distinguished services.
  8. In order to examine and decide on the following matters, the Department of Culture and Sports shall have an Evaluation and Compensation Committee for Members of the National Team (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee"):
    1. Matters concerning recognition of persons to be designated as a person with distinguished services to New Alexandrian sports;
    2. Matters concerning the payment of compensation and annuities to persons with distinguished services to New Alexandrian sports and their bereaved family members;
    3. Other matters deemed necessary for the honorable treatment and assistance for persons with distinguished services to New Alexandrian sports, which the Chairperson refers to deliberation.
  9. The Committee shall consist of not more than 11 members including one Chairperson and one Vice Chairperson, and the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and other members shall be appointed or entrusted by the Secretary of Culture and Sports from among persons with abundant learning and experience.
  10. The term of office of members appointed or entrusted to this Committee shall be two AN years and the members may be reappointed or re-entrusted.


  1. The Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie shall formulate policies to prevent doping in order to protect players from drugs, etc. in conducting sporting activities and promote sportsmanship through fair competition.
  2. The Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie shall provide players and certified sports leaders with education and information to prevent doping and shall direct and supervise the anti-doping activities of all sports organizations and athletic affiliates.


  1. The Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie along with state and local governments, shall take measures necessary to encourage the production of sporting goods or equipment determined by Royal Decree or an Act of the Cortes Federales (hereinafter referred to as "sporting goods, etc.") in order to promote national sports.
  2. If deemed particularly necessary for the promotion of national sports, the Department of Treasury may lend money from a specially established sports encouragement fund to exemplary manufacturers designated from among those producing sporting goods in Nouvelle Alexandrie, subject to the regulations and stipulations of the laws.
  3. Regional and local governments may provide for matters concerning measures necessary to encourage the production of sporting goods, etc.


  1. The Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie shall provide local governments, schools, etc. with subsidies to cover some of expenses incurred in promoting sports within budgetary limits each fiscal year.
  2. The regional and local governments shall provide the Federal Sport Committee, the Paralympic Committee of Nouvelle Alexandrie, the Federal Anti-Doping Agency, and other sports organizations and sports science research institutes with subsidies to cover some of necessary expenses or research costs.
  3. Each local government may subsidize operational expenses for the branches or sub-branches of the Federal Sport Committee and the Paralympic Committee of Nouvelle Alexandrie within budgetary limits.


  1. A National Sports Promotion Fund (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund") shall be established to provide financial aid for any of the following:
    1. Costs for facilities to promote sports;
    2. Improving the welfare of athletes;
    3. Fostering sports organizations;
    4. Promoting school sports and workplace sports;
    5. Fostering professionals in sports, culture, and arts;
    6. Strengthening weak areas;
    7. Promoting the sports industry;
    8. Other matters prescribed by Royal Decree or Act of the Cortes Federales to promote national sports.
  2. Matters necessary for operating and managing the Fund shall be determined by Royal Decree or Act of the Cortes Federales.
  3. The National Sports Promotion Fund shall be used for the following projects, support, etc.:
    1. Research and development to promote national sports and projects to disseminate the results thereof;
    2. Projects to support the expansion of national sports facilities;
    3. Projects to train players and certified sports leaders;
    4. Projects to improve the welfare of players, certified sports leaders, and athletes;
    5. Advertising and other projects for the creation of the National Sports Promotion Fund;
    6. Operation of and support for the Federal Sport Committee, the Paralympic Committee of Nouvelle Alexandrie, the Federal Anti-Doping Agency, sports-for-all organizations and sports science research institutes, and organizations related to fostering athletic talent;
    7. Support for the sports activities of low-income groups;
    8. Other projects prescribed by Royal Decree or Act of the Cortes Federales for the promotion of sports.


  1. The Federal Sport Committee ((hereinafter referred to as the “FSC”) shall be established by obtaining authorization from the Secretary of Culture and Sports to conduct the following business activities and affairs related to the promotion of sports:
    1. Guidance and support for the business activities and affairs of athletic affiliates, sports-for-all organizations, etc., affiliated with the FSC;
    2. Organization and international exchange of sports meets;
    3. Promotion of professional sports, such as fostering of players and enhancing of their performance;
    4. Improvement of welfare of athletes;
    5. Support for retired players of national teams;
    6. Development and dissemination of sports-for-all programs;
    7. Support for activities performed by sports clubs and affinity sports groups;
    8. Surveys and research on promotion of sports for all;
    9. Business activities to connect both professional sports and sports for all;
    10. Other business Activities necessary to promote sports.
  2. The FSC shall be a corporate entity.
  3. The FSC may have branch offices, sub-branch offices, or overseas sub-branch offices, as prescribed by the articles of association.
  4. The FSC shall have a president, vice president, directors and an auditor as its officers.
  5. Matters necessary for members and collection of membership fees of the FSC shall be prescribed by the articles of association.
  6. The number, term of office, method of election, etc. of the officers shall be determined by the articles of association provided that a president shall be elected by vote as prescribed by the articles of association and he/she takes office after obtaining approval from the Secretary of Culture and Sports.
  7. The FSC shall entrust the Federal Election Commission with the management of election of a president as prescribed by the articles of association.
  8. The FSC shall entrust the management of election of the president to the Federal Election Commission or as duly prescribed by the articles of association.


  1. The Paralympic Committee of Nouvelle Alexandrie (hereinafter referred to as the "PCNA") shall be established upon authorization of the Secretary of Culture and Sports to conduct the following business activities and affairs related to the promotion of sports of the disabled:
    1. Guidance and support for the business activities and affairs of athletic affiliates of the disabled;
    2. Organization and international exchange of disabled sports meets;
    3. Promotion of professional disabled sports, such as fostering of disabled players and enhancing of their performance;
    4. Fostering and propagation of sports-for-all for the disabled;
    5. Improvement of the welfare of disabled players, certified disabled sports leaders, and persons of distinguished services to disabled sports;
    6. Other matters necessary for the promotion of disabled sports.
  2. The PCNA shall be a corporate entity.
  3. The PCNA may have branch offices, sub-branch offices or overseas sub-branch offices, as prescribed in the articles of association.
  4. Matters necessary for members and the collection of membership fees of the PCNA shall be determined by the articles of association.
  5. The PCNA shall have a president, vice president, directors and an auditor as its officers.
  6. The number, term of office, method of election, etc. of the officers shall be determined by the articles of association provided that a president shall be elected by vote as prescribed by the articles of association and he/she takes office after obtaining approval from the Secretary of Culture and Sports.
  7. The PCNA shall entrust the Federal Election Commission with the management of election of a president as prescribed by the articles of association.


  1. The Federal Anti-Doping Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Anti-Doping Agency") shall be established upon the authorization of the Secretary of Culture and Sports to engage in the following doping-related business activities and affairs:
    1. Education, public relations, collection of information and research for anti-doping;
    2. Establishment and implementation of doping test programs;
    3. Management of test results and imposing sanctions according to such results;
    4. Exchanges and cooperation for the prevention of doping inside and outside Nouvelle Alexandrie;

Establishment of permissible levels for the exceptional use of the drugs and methods for the purpose of medical treatment, and implementation thereof; Other business activities and affairs necessary for anti-doping.

  1. The Anti-Doping Agency shall be a corporate entity.
  2. The Anti-Doping Agency shall be composed of not more than 11 members, including one chairperson and one vice chairperson, and the term of office, method of election, etc. of members shall be determined by the articles of association.
  3. If necessary for the performance of its duties, the Anti-Doping Agency may request relevant administrative agencies or relevant agencies or organizations agencies to dispatch their public officials or employees or executive officers.
  4. Any player registered with an athletic affiliate shall undergo a doping test conducted by the Anti-Doping Agency as prescribed by the Secretary of Culture and Sports. In such cases, guidelines and methods for selecting persons subject to doping tests shall be determined by the Anti-Doping Agency.


  1. The Secretary of Culture and Sports shall supervise the FSC, the PCNA, the Anti-Doping Agency and the Promotion Fund.
  2. The Secretary of Culture and Sports or the heads of regional governments may, if necessary for the enforcement of this Act, order FSC, the PCNA, the Anti-Doping Agency and the Promotion Fund., entrusted business entities and others, such as sports organizations and places of work, under the regulation of this Act to report on the performance of their duties, or may have public officials belonging thereto enter such offices, places of business, etc. and inspect relevant books of account, documents, or other materials.
  3. A public official conducting the duty of inspection shall carry a certificate indicating his/her authority and present it to relevant persons.


  1. This Bill shall apply to all of the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie.
  2. This Bill shall not become law unless it has been given Royal Assent.
  3. This Bill shall be published and made publicly available.
  4. In the event any provision or part of this Bill is found to be invalid or unenforceable, only that particular provision or part so found, and not the entire Bill, will be inoperative.