Speeches from the Throne of the Imperial Synkletos
First Imperial Synklētos, 1667
(12.X.1667 - 12.IV.1668)
Summoned: 11.IX.1667 Convened: 12.X.1667
12th day of the 10th month of Psydros 1667 in the 48th year of the Reign of Petros III
The Basileus, being seated on the Throne, and attended to by Officers of State, was pleased to address the First Imperial Synkletos of the Imperial State of Constancia, thusly, through the voice of the Basileusa Cleo, who was seated beside His Imperial Majesty:
Imperial Senators of this First Imperial Synkletos,
On this first occasion when We speak to you as Basileus and Sovereign of this Imperial State, we express Our gratitude for your continued loyalty to Us and Our Dynasty, despite the depredations of many a traitor.
Since the dissolution of the late Synkletos, events of deep interest and importance have occurred on this Continent of Eura.
We have witnessed, with deep regret, the state of affairs in Our previous Free and Associative Kingdom, and lament that the enlightened Administration of Our Kingdom should have preserved Our dominions from revolt; and that the wise and prudent measure of submitting the desires and the complaints of Our people to the deliberations of a Synkletos should have led to a satisfactory result.
We cannot view without grief and indignation the efforts which are industriously made to excite among Our people a spirit of discontent and disaffection, and to disturb the concord which happily prevails between those parts of Our dominions, the union of which is essential to their common strength and common happiness.
We are determined to exert to the utmost of Our power all the means which the Law and the have placed at Our disposal, for the punishment of sedition, and for the prompt suppression of outrage and disorder.
Amidst all the difficulties of the present conjuncture, We reflect with the highest satisfaction on the loyalty and affectionate attachment of the great body of Our people.
We have seen the limits to which rebels and anarchists and enemies will descend to. We wholeheartedly commend the courage and inspired service of Our Armed Forces and Our Loyal Subjects-in-Arms in these recent conflicts. We retain faith in the military governors and Officers who are at present attending to the comfort and relief of our loyal subjects-in-arms and their families who were forced to seek refuge within Our Lands and under Our Protection.
Our relations with foreign Powers continue friendly. Be that as it may, We are endeavouring, in concert with our many Allies, to devise such means of restoring tranquillity as may be compatible with the welfare and good government of Our Imperial State, and with the future security of other States.
Appearances of tumult and disorder have produced uneasiness in different parts of Eura and elsewhere on Micras; but the assurances of a friendly disposition, which We continue to receive from all Foreign Powers, justify the expectation that We shall be enabled to preserve for Our people the blessings of peace.
Impressed at all times with the necessity of respecting the sincere and honest pledges of national engagements, We are persuaded that Our determination to maintain, in conjunction with Our Allies, those general Treaties by which the political system of Eura has been established, will offer the best security for the repose of the world.
We are impelled, by the deep solicitude which We feel for the welfare of Our people, to recommend to your immediate consideration the provisions which it may be advisable to make for the exercise of Our Sovereign Authority and Prerogative, in case that it should please the Most High to conclude Our life.
We recommend to your wisdom such measures necessary for the honest and orderly election of Dikastis to successive sessions of the Synkletos.
We are prepared to concur with you in the adoption of those measures which may appear best calculated to maintain, unimpaired the stability and dignity of Our Crown, and thereby to strengthen the securities by which the Civil and Religious Liberties of Our People are guarded.
We have ordered the Estimates for those Services of the present year, for which the last Synkletos did not fully provide, to be forthwith laid before you. The Estimates for the ensuing year will be prepared with that strict regard to economy which We are determined to enforce in every branch of the Public Expenditure.
We place without reserve at your disposal Our interest in the Hereditary Revenues, and in those funds which may be derived from any Droits of Our Crown from any casual revenues.
In surrendering to you Our interest in revenues which have been reserved to Our Crown, We rejoice in the opportunity of evincing Our entire reliance on your dutiful regard for Our Person and Dynasty, and Our confidence that you will cheerfully provide all that may be necessary for the support of the Civil Government, and the honour and dignity of Our Crown.
In closing, We command our Imperial Senators assembled in this Synkletos that a greater share of internal peace, of commercial prosperity, of true liberty, of all that constitutes social happiness, be your legacy to the peoples of Our Imperial Stated. It is the great object of Our life to preserve and safeguard these blessings to Our people, and to transmit them unimpaired to their descendants for posterity; and We remain committed in the discharge of the sacred duty which is vested in Us, by the firmest reliance on the wisdom of this Synkletos, and on the cordial support of Our faithful and loyal subjects.
Imperial Senators, may the Most High bless your endeavors.
Second Imperial Synklētos, 1671
(12.I.1671 - 12.IX.1671)
Summoned: 1.I.1671 Convened: 12.1.1671
12th day of the 1st month of Phoinikaios 1671 in the 52nd year of the Reign of Petros III
The Basileus, being seated on the Throne, and attended to by Officers of State, was pleased to address the Second Imperial Synkletos of the Imperial State of Constancia, thusly, through the voice of the Basileusa Cleo, who was seated beside His Imperial Majesty:
Imperial Senators of this Second Imperial Synkletos,
On this first occasion when We speak to you as Basileus and Sovereign of this Imperial State at Asterapolis, we express Our gratitude for your attendance and attention to important matters of state.
We commend the bravery of Our Armed Forces, and thank them for their continued diligence in protecting Our People and safeguarding the sovereignty of the Imperial State.
We have taken our Raspurid neighbors, brothers, and sisters under Our protection, and look forward in involving them further in Our shared national development.
We note the progress made with respect to development in Our Imperial State, and while we commend the efforts made by Our most loyal servants, we wish to impress that the suffering of Our people continues, and this must be addressed, with the utmost dispatch, by Our Ministers and Our Government.
Imperial Senators, may the Most High bless your endeavors.
Third Imperial Synklētos, 1674
(12.I.1674 - 12.IX.1674)
Summoned: 1.I.1674 Convened: 12.1.1674
12th day of the 1st month of Phoinikaios 1674 in the 55th year of the Reign of Petros III
The Basileus, being seated on the Throne, and attended to by Officers of State, was pleased to address the Third Imperial Synkletos of the Imperial State of Constancia, thusly, through the voice of the Basileusa Cleo, who was seated beside His Imperial Majesty:
Imperial Senators of this Third Imperial Synkletos,
On this most auspicious date, we desire to share our wish for the continued peace and prosperity of our Imperial State.
We greet our friend the Khan Dāryuš Shah, and wish him a strong reign, and thank him for his continued allegiance to us and our house.
We command our Synkletos to strengthen our national institutions, and to focus on national education, national health, national defense, and national welfare.
Imperial Senators, may the Most High bless your endeavors.
Fourth Imperial Synklētos, 1678
(12.I.1674 - )
Summoned: 1.I.1674 Convened: 12.1.1674