Boterbaai is a city in the Republic of the United Cities in the Lanzerwald that is built on the ruins of the Western Natopian military base Zaddi's Bay Defense Zone. The city was founded after the conclusion of the Lanzerwaldian-Whaler War, in which Zaddi's Bay was conquered by the Lanzerwald, on 14.V.1710, a day after the peace treaty was signed by the formerly warring parties. The city is named Boterbaai in honour of the Natopian belief in a deity called the Butter Bull, boter is Cibolan-Diets for butter. The city is home to just 500 inhabitants, many living in the buildings constructed out of thick concrete that were left by the Natopians. A continuing menace to the local population are the fields of landmines, that prevent the parents in Boterbaai from allowing their children to play outside unattended. The clearing of these minefields is the task of the 1ste Krijgskorps, which normally deploys a single company to the city on a rotational basis. The effort to clear the mines is expected to be finished in the second half of 1715.