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Official language English
Capital Abeis
Largest cities Abeis, Keybir-Aviv, Jezeraah
Forum Forum
Number of citizens 124,765
Date founded July 11,2012
Government Free State
Current leader Ismael Todochev
Currency Lliev

Haifa is an small nation situated in the east of Keltia, situated in eastern Micras. The capital, Abeis, is also the largest city in the nation. There are two other major cities in Haifa, Keybir-Aviv and Jezeraah.


Haifa was founded by fleeing Israat immigrants in 1970. However, many remains such as the Luxor Palace and Büngayo Shrine were left over from past feudal nations. In 1974, the first Prime Minister was elected. Herman Wozhlweitz, the first Prime Minister, established the basic principles of government for the nation. Haifa was relatively an agricultural nation until 1990, when diamond was first discovered south of Abeis. Around this time banking became another dominant economic force, and the country moved itself to a more capitalist and industrial economic scheme. In 2001, Haifa gained control of the Fenkel HQ, and 2007 saw a mass refugee movement of immigrants from Afrikaana arriving in the Northern Isles and Southern towns. Currently, the Prime Minister is Ismael Todochev, and the economic Haifa plays a major role in the Diamond and Banking industry of the region.


Haifa is a small nation, lying on the Maccabi River. The country is to the east of Lake Morovia. It is generally a flat country, with various hills spotting the countryside. Even though it is inland, the nation is generally considered a seafaring nation, as the water is a big helper to the economy, tourism, and the lifestyle of the people.


Other than mainland Haifa, there are also three autonomous regions.The regions themselves are split into cities and townships. and they are in close proximity of each other.

Province Capital Population
Haifa Flag.png Haifa Abeis 104,136
Minab Azis Flag.png Minab Azis Minab Azis 20,127
Wallis Islands Flag.png Wallis Islands Wallis Island 452
Fenkel Trading Co. Flag.png Fenkel Shipping Co. Fenkel Shipping Co. HQ 50


The country is currently head by Prime Minister Ismael Todochev. The main legislative body of North Antarctica is the Parliament, which is comprised of city officials and governors from every region. The only elected official is the Prime Minister, who serves for three month terms. He appoints city officials and other government positions.


The military of Haifa is proportionate to the size of the country, and only has about 2,000 full-time personnel. The Special Haifan Forces are the premier task force group in the nation.


Haifa's economy is made up of a large mining, shipping, and research sector. The nation is one of the leaders in the diamond industry, and has research facilities around the country, especially in Keybir-Aviv. Many foreign companies set up offices in the Abeis Business District, with the country having a diverse economic sector. The nation is part of the SCUE, with Haifan Companies being traded on the Ham50, the stock market of Hamland. Recently, fishing and tourism have grown as economic sectors in the country.


The cities of Haifa are connected by the four major highways, H1-H4. There are many other smaller regional roads that interconnect the many villages and towns. The Haifan Rail is the major train line in the nation.


The nation's largest airport, Haifan International Airport, located in Abeis, has flights all across Micras. The secondary airport is Keybir-Aviv International, which is considerably smaller than it's sister airport.


With the country having a 96% literacy rate, education is mandatory from ages 5-18. The country's top university Haifa National University in Abeis, which attracts many foreign students to its campus.


Haifan culture is very complex, with many ethnicities making up its diverse societies. Ethnic Haifans bring most of their customs from their ancestors in the Israat region of Hamland. These include food, traditions, and sport. There is a large Afrikaanian minority that has sprung up a following of their native religion, Gorogoro. Also, the language of DakaÏuru is spoken between these people. The mesh of these two ethnic groups has brought different traditions, such as the annual Festival of Union, the celebration to mark the day when Haifans accepted the Afrikaanian refugees into their country. The main sport in Haifa is football, with the Haifa League 1 being the premier division. The cuisine in Haifa is very diverse, as the Haifan, Afrikaanian, and other foreign nationalities' tastes have mixed into a melting pot of flavors.