Nurthaven and Antruusbuurg Canal

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The N&A Canal, known formally as the Nurthaven and Antruusbuurg Canal, is a canal constructed by Cranda around 2100 ASC. The canal bisects the Jaaland Peninsula on the northern tip of Apollonia and, as the name suggests, connects from the city of Nurthaven on the east coast to the city of Antruusbuurg on the west coast. The canal is one of the most ambitious engineering projects ever completed on Micras and extends nearly 288km (179mi). Surveyors used a combination of existing waterways and man-made canals to create a navigable water course for shipping in and out of the Clear Sea.

The canal was maintained by several other states succeeding Cranda after its collapse, primarily by Alexandria during their brief tenure through the Diet of the Clear Sea. The canal fell into disuse and neglect when Gralus took over the region, during which time significant siltation occurred and numerous locks became irreparable. In 1699 Lac Glacei laid claim to the canal and began dredging the canals in order to allow shipping traffic to once again utilize an important means of commerce.

The N&A Canal