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Established in 2549 ASC, Northman served as the capital of the First Republic until the nation was destroyed by civil war. Like the other cities of the east, the city was in ruins by the time the Confederacy of Gralus laid claim to Pallisican territory in 3184 ASC. In 3529 ASC, the Kingdom of Hamland established the City of New Northman, but this city, which was home mostly to settlers from New Kirrie, also fell into ruin in the year 4083 ASC. It would not be until the year 4146 ASC that Northman itself would be reestablished by the Kingdom of Hamland. Since then it has served as the administrative center of Eastern Passas.

Today Passas is a sleepy, quiet city. The local economy is primarily driven by the Passasian War League, though the nation’s largest media outlet, The Daily Pallisican is also located here. The citizens who are employed by neither the War League nor the Pallisican, typically find work for Hammish Transit Authority, or the Three States Dam, which provides energy for all of Passas and most of Central Hamland. Residents of the towns of Donnetsburg and Nietzavahng generally find employment with PallisaStone.

The people of the province of Northman, for the most part, prefer to live simply and according to their means. Most people allocate portions of their property for production of crops, and many raise livestock such as goats and geese. Very few nypmhs live in the province, preferring instead to live in Carol Stream, North Springville, or out West, and so discrimination against them is not common here. Of all Passas’ provinces, Northman has the largest population of very old people. Some residents, according to local lore, were alive during the reign of King Lucien I. As of yet, science has not determined the cause of longevity for the residents of Northman, but there is no question that the people here grow very old.

The Duke of Northman shares political power with the Duchess of Zidado West. Together, they serve the supreme arbiters of the nation’s judicial system. Population (760 WG): 658,008