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New Zimia Stock Fund

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Logo of the New Zimia Stock Fund.

The oldest company housed in Grand Duke National Mall, the New Zimia Stock Fund oversees the agricultural production of the region's unique herbs and spices.

Recent Production Reports

A view of a thriving Eply-Rabrev farm near the village of Haifa of the South.
A healthy Nou-Oname grows in the entranceway to a village in the Region of the East.
A Petal-Hial-Eda feeds on the scrumptious sap of an Adraso-Oname.

35 PSSC: Prices are High

-Eply Rabrev: 126 Tons / Share

-Fuy-Rabrev: 84 Tons / Share

-Nou-Oname: 14 Tons / Share

-Adraso-Oname: 28 Tons / Share

35 Employment Report

-Number of People Employed (% of all Employed): 738,411 (3.26%)

-Total Paid in Wages (% of all Wages): 21,706 Polis (%)

-Average Wages / Employee: .03 Polis

-Value of Company (% of GDP): 44,392 Polis (3.48%)

Company is Inadequately Funded.