Alpinist religion
The Alpinist Religion concerns those who are members of the Alpine Temple. Alpinists are an offshoot of the ancient Church of Cranda, which originated with the Arminian tribes of Slobovia, Cranda, Northworthy and other early Upper Apollonia states. The followers of the Alpine Temple worship the great philosopher Arktela, whose teachings and meditations were gathered in the Book of Observations and passed down from generation to generation. Arktela herself was an early priestess of Cranda who was active as a missionary and traveled across much of northeastern Apollonia. She was canonized as a saint after her death, whereupon small temples began to arise based on her teachings. These eventually morphed into the Alpine Temple of today.
Around 1996 ASC the Arminian state was undergoing a period of tumult. Internal politics and clashes between various royal houses were quickly dividing the nation. The Church of Cranda, which had originally been centered in Kloss, was struggling to retain adherents. In recent years the church had been seen as increasingly decadent, driving the growing poor class away. The priestess Arktela, herself only twenty-something, became disillusioned with the strict doctrine of the church and so travelled south into the rural frontier of Edelweiss. Here she saw firsthand the deplorable state which the poor had fallen to. Starvation and disease were rampant. She quickly helped to establish free hospitals in Trappsbruck to care for the sick and elderly. It was these missionary efforts that gained her the first score of followers.