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Imperial Star Syndicate/Military

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< Imperial Star Syndicate
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ISS military flag
ISS Military flag (2nd ver) / Coat of Arms

The ISS Military was founded months after the foundation of the Imperial Star Syndicate , in the early days, it was made up of a few people armed with Black Market weapons.. but as the syndicate expanded, so did the military, with approximately 1200+ men in a regiment, but they were all spread out in different locations, armed with Black Market weapons, which can be modified via attachments or changing the gun “barrel” via getting parts from the ISS “weapons factory”

The troops of the ISS are under the “military order”, regular training is implemented, examples are physical, mentally, marksmanship, and many more depending the individual’s preference (the 3 mentions they would have to attend no matter the excuse given, unless sick)

“Radio operators”

Radios are issued to the military of the ISS, as such, there are courses to radio comms for the soldiers that wish to become a radio operator, the courses will be very strict as the smallest error could foil from logistics to causing an entire platoon to be wiped out.

Manpower : 925 - 1280

Weaponry : some of these weapons from the black market can be modified, while explosives and gun parts are made in the factory, examples of BM weapons (the arsenal) are :

1. Bolt action rifle or “marksman rifle”
2. Pistol (of any kind)
3. Uzi
4. Shotgun (double barrel or pump action)
5. Assault rifle of a kind (AK47, M16)
6. Bayonet (regular bayonet & long bayonet)

In the factory, the following are made :

1. Explosives or “C4” (heat, remote, fuse), and Grenades (regular “waffle grenade” and stick grenade)
2. Molotov cocktail
3. Ammunition 
4. Gun parts (for mods)
(Not production.) fixing weapons and improving / modifying them
5. Telescopic sights (very rare for a factory to manufacture sights, but very few (est 1-2) does it)

Manufacturing supplies

The ISS manufactures radios for a radio and comms network, the radios are “not-so-well” made, as it jams or break down sometimes. Some are bought from the black market if radios are in stock.

Supply and other’s manufactured

1. Radio (poorly made, “type C” & “type K”) (“type C” for comms or “type K” for listening to the to local news and weather, and music)