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Constitution of the United Isles

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The United Isles constitution is the basic law of the United Isles, a confederacy of self-governing islands. The constitution grants a limited set of defined powers to the confederal government, while the islands themselves retain most of the political power. The confederation is granted power over foreign affairs, defence and monetary policy. All other policy areas are reserved to the islands. The United Isles consist of three distinct political units, the island of Naudia'Diva, the Iridian Isles and Florencia. Each political unit, called nations in the constitution, is completely autonomous.

Confederal organisation

The confederal government consist of the Council of the United Isles, comprised of three representatives from each nation. The council acts as legislature, judiciary and executive of the United Isles, within the confederal competences. The representatives are called councillors and are appointed according to nation law or custom. The council is divided into three committees of three members, one from each nation, with responsibility for one policy area each. Legislation has to be passed by the entire council, with at least two councillors from each nation voting in the affirmative. There is no confederal court, each nation having its own court system. The chairmanship of the council rotates between the nations every year. To accomodate the four Iridian tribes, the Iridian Isles appoint four representatives, but only three can vote on an issue.

Outline per nation


Florencia is governed as a merchant republic, headed by the Mulej who is elected by the Kunsill tal-Kosta (Council of the Coast) for life. The Kunsill is elected by the merchant houses and burghers of the island for five-year terms. The farmers of the interior of the island elect the Kamra ta 'l-Għelieqi (Chamber of the Fields) for five-year terms. The Kamra has to be consulted on all issues, and has the power to withhold supplies to the merchant houses and cities along the coast. The Mulej is the head of the executive and is empowered to rule the island on his own accord, but is dependent on the Kunsill for supply. Without such supply, the Mulej can only rely on the funds of his merchant house. The judiciary is independent of both the Mulej and the Kunsill and is primarily set up to solve financial disputes, although a rudimentary criminal court system also exists.

Iridian Isles

The Iridian Isles has no written constitution, instead being governed according to tribal customary law. Each island is ruled by a tribal chief assisted by the elders of the tribe. When needed, the leaders of the four tribes meet to decide on common issues for the entire nation. The tribal council has full authority over all aspects of island life and acts as both legislature and judiciary on the island, with the chief acting as executive. However, as the system is based on custom, the lines between executive, legislative and judicial are blurred. All land on each island is held in communal ownership, with rights to use granted only to tribal members.


Naudia'Diva is as of 1685 ruled as an absolute monarchy with the King possessing all political, administrative and military power.