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Eos is the planet closest to the star Atos.

Micras and Tarsica can be seen to the right of Eos in a photograph taken by the IASS-00E1 probe.
Orbital characteristics
Mass (Kg) 3.32E+07
Radius (Km) 2,512
Solar Day (h) 84.3
Orbital Period (days) 110
Semi-Major Axis (Km) 6.26E+07
Periapsis (AU) .418
Apoapsis (AU) .418
Albedo .88
Surface Temperature (K) 1,050
Surface Gravity (m/s^2) 3.19
Axial Tile (degrees) 14.6
Inclination (degrees) 7.6
Orbital Speed (Km/s) 41.2
Atmospheric Characteristics
Albedo .88
Atmosphere Mass (kg) 4.8E+20
Mass of Air Column (kg) 6,054,914.19209738
Surface Density (kg/m3) 65
Mean Molecular Weight Dry Air (g/mol) 43.45
Degrees of Freedom 7
Specific Heat Const Pressure (Cv) 861.106546605293
Lapse Rate Dry Adiabatic (K/m) 0.00370627320407923
Emissivity IR 1
Visual Temperature (K) 33.4355979742048
Effective Temperature (K) 185.783157394342
Surface Pressure (lb/in2) 19324235.1482289
Co2 Emissions (Metric Ton per Capita) N/A
Heat Capacity of Land J/(kg K) N/A
Heat Capacity of Sea J/(kg K) N/A

North Polar Regions

Equatorial Regions

Southern Polar Regions

Ongoing Research

Research by Passio-Corum

Research Probes

The surface of the planet Eos as mapped by IASS-00E1.
Orbital characteristics
Mass (Kg) 3,625
Radius (Km) 12.2(m)
Solar Day (h) N/A
Orbital Period (days) .227
Semi-Major Axis (Km) 5,810
Periapsis (AU) .0000299
Apoapsis (AU) .0000478
Albedo N/A
Surface Temperature (K) 318
Surface Gravity (m/s^2) .00000000163
Axial Tilt (degrees) 31
Inclination (degrees) 31
Orbital Speed (Km/s) 42.2

The first of the research probes to be launched as part of the Inner Atos System Survey, the IASS-00E1 was deployed on 36/1/35 PSSC, and arrived in orbit in early 36 PSSC. Deployed on a mission to gather geographic and atmospheric data relating to the Eosian surface, the it is expected that the data collected of the IASS-00E1 will greatly aid researchers in their efforts to compile multiple detailed maps of the planet.

The probe, which traveled to within 180,841 kilometers of the planet's surface before rapidly descending to an orbit at only around 5,550 km from the surface, is designed to remain in orbit, following its arrival at the planet, for around four years. With that said, it is unclear whether the probe will be able to fully withstand the high temperatures and extreme tidal pressures which it will experience while in orbit around Eos.