Flaventian Legislature

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The Flaventian Legislature

Coat of arms of Flaventia
Type Quadricameral regional legislature
Headquarters Serribaugh Palace Guardian Council
Haas House Kuhrat
The Old Capitol Congress of the Lands
The Estate The People's Assembly
Location Tassity, Anmutstadt, Bagelston, Ashington
Region served Flaventia
Membership Councillors, Bosarchs, Senators, Representatives
Presiding Officers Salome Presiding Officer of the Guardian Council
Nathan II Chairman of the Kuhrat
Eiiard Darkroot President of the Congress of the Lands
Gwyn Moonoak Speaker of the People's Assembly

The Flaventian Legislature, commonly known as the The Quadricameral, is a four-chamber legislative assembly for the Dynastic Incarnation of the Lands of Flaventia. It was created by Faronic Mandate to give a voice to the four divisions of Flaventian society: the Waffel-Paine family, the Bovic church, the four Lands, and the Flaventian people. Laws must originate in either of the two lower chambers, the Congress of the Lands or the People's Assembly, before being passed along to the upper chambers, the Kuhrat and the Guardian Council.

Each chamber of the Legislature was situated in one of the four lands that most represented its character. The strong democratic traditions of Alrodey made it a natural choice to be the seat of the People's Assembly. Sororiya was for a long time the hotbed of republicanism in Natopia, thus the seat of the Congress of the Lands. The city of Anmutstadt was, in very ancient times, a religiously important city to the native Haas people, thus making it ideal for the Bovic Kuhrat. Tassity, the opulent jeweled city of the Neemian rajas, was the perfect choice for the seat of the nobility's Guardian Council.

In keeping with Bovic custom, each chamber's total membership is divisible by four.

The Lower Chambers

All bills must originate in either of these two lower chambers. Before a bill can be sent to the upper chambers for final approval, it must be passed by both the People's Assembly and the Congress of the Lands.

People's Assembly

The People's Assembly is the lower chamber in the Legislature. It represents the population of Flaventia. It has 444 members, called representatives, elected from constituencies of equal population drawn with compact borders. All of Flaventia is divided into assembly constituencies. Representatives serve for two-year terms. It meets in The Estate, in Ashington, Alrodey. It elects from its own membership a presiding officer, the Speaker. The Faro's Lord-Lieutenant of Alrodey can break ties.

Congress of the Lands

Congress of the Lands

The Congress of the Lands is the lower middle chamber in the Legislature. It represents the four Lands of Flaventia (Ziegeland, Tas Neemia, Sororiya, and Alrodey). It has 44 members, called senators. Each land elects 11 senators, all from an at-large district coterminous with each land. Senators serve for four-year terms. It meets in the Old Capitol Building in Bagelston, Sororiya. It elects from its own membership a presiding officer, the President. The Prince of Sororiya can break ties.

The Upper Chambers


The Kuhrat is the upper middle chamber in the Legislature. It represents the Bovic church in Flaventia. It is composed of 16 Bovic bosarchs, selected by the Metrobosarch of Lindstrom. The King of Ziegeland serves as Chairman and decides when the Kuhrat will sit in session. The Kuhrat may only review potential legislation when it is in session, thus giving the King of Ziegeland a potential veto over Flaventian laws. If the Kuhrat is not called into session to review a bill, the bill is passed on to the Guardian Council. The Kuhrat may only reject legislation by a unanimous vote, and each rejection must be accompanied by a treatise on why such a Flaventian law would violate the Bovic faith. It meets in the royal residence of Haas House in Anmutstadt, Ziegeland.

Guardian Council

The Guardian Council is the upper chamber in the Legislature. It represents the House of Waffel-Paine. It has eight members, the Dukes of Haven, Hazelwood, the Punkrock Isles, Robland; the Raja of Tas Neemia; the Dukes of Vonzek, and Valentina; and the lord lieutenant of Alrodey. The Raja of Tas Neemia presides over the Guardian Council. By simple majority vote, the Council approves of laws sent to it by the Lower Chambers.