Treaties of Kingsgate

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First Treaty

Treaty of Integration





The Sovereign Confederation of Suthergold, Norestria, and Holwinn and the Elwynnese Republic, affirming expression of the people of Wintergleam, Suthergold, and Norestria to transfer the sovereignty of their confederation to the Elwynnese Republic, agree to act upon that expression by concluding the present treaty, and for that purpose appointed as their plenipotentiaries, for the Elwynnese Republic, Taline Darbinyan, Inspector of Raspur Pact Relations, and for the Sovereign Confederation, Selardi Jen Daniyal, Magistra of the Eastern Banner Group, who, duly authorized by their respective governments, and having communicated to one another their credentials, found to be in good form, have agreed as follows:

Article 1

Upon the exchange of the instruments of ratification of this treaty, which shall occur as soon as possible in the City of Kingsgate, the Governorates of Wintergleam, Suthergold and Norestria shall immediately thereupon, be part of the sovereignty of the Elwynnese Republic.

Article 2

All citizens of the Sovereign Confederation legally resident within its territory, or who have been born to a resident of the Sovereign Confederation, or who have lived continuously in the Sovereign Confederation for a period no less than five years, shall receive Elwynnese citizenship upon pledging their allegiance, under sacred oaths, to the Republic.

Article 3

  1. The Sovereign Confederation shall ratify the Constitution of the Elwynnese Republic, as proposed by the Council of Eliria, prior to Elwynn's ratification of this treaty.
  2. Elwynn makes a solemn vow that the local constitution for the Sovereign Confederation, under whatever name the legislature of the Sovereign Confederation shall call itself in that constitution, shall be affixed to the Elwynnese Constitution insofar that it is consistent with the main body of the Constitution of the Elwynnese Republic.

Article 4

  1. A Commission for the Integration of the Sovereign Confederation shall be appointed by the Prince of Elwynn, to comprise of six commissioners of the Elwynnese Republic, and six commissioners of the Sovereign Confederation.
  2. Benacia Command and the Kingdom of Ransenar shall be invited to send observers to attend the meetings of the Commission.

In witness whereof the above-named plenipotentiaries have signed their names,

Done at the City of Kingsgate, this [date].





Second Treaty

Treaty on the Transfer of Forces





The Command Executive of Benacia Command, and the Sovereign Confederation of Suthergold, Norestria, and Holwinn, having agreed on the need for the continuity of allied forces assigned to the Eastern and Northern Banner Groups subsequent to the accession of the Sovereign Confederation to the Elwynnese Republic, agree to act upon that expression by concluding the present treaty, and for that purpose appointed as their plenipotentiaries, for Benacia Command, Aryo Barzan, Magister of the Political Directorate, and for the Sovereign Confederation, Doir Jen Merah, Regent-Emeritus of the Sovereign Confederation, who, duly authorized by their respective governments, and having communicated to one another their credentials, found to be in good form, have agreed as follows:

Article 1

With immediate effect from exchange of the instruments of ratification of this treaty, which shall occur as soon as possible in the City of Kingsgate, all military and paramilitary forces subordinate to or associated with the Sovereign Defence Forces (SDF), shall pass under the yoke, make obeisance before the banners and icons, and, upon receiving gifts of oil and salt in acknowledgement the fealty rendered, become subject to the higher authority of Benacia Command.

Article 2

All personnel, equipment, materiel, and all other such articles, whether of warlike or civil purpose, hitherto possessed or utilised by the SDF shall, upon coming under the authority of Benacia Command, be transfered to the Black Legions.

Article 3

The Directorate of Manpower for the General Staff of Benacia Command shall assume responsibility for meeting all arrears of pay, including liabilities for the payment of pensions and healthcare costs, that were hitherto the obligation of the paymasters of the SDF.

In witness whereof the above-named plenipotentiaries have signed their names,

Done at the City of Kingsgate, this [date].





Third Treaty

Treaty on the Status of Forces





The Parties to this Treaty,

Considering that the forces of one Party may be sent, by agreement, to serve in the territory of another Party, as per the SANE Treaty to which the Elwynnese Republic is a signatory;

Bearing in mind that the decision to send them and the conditions under which they are welcomed remain under the purview of sovereign governments;

Agree as follows:-

Article 1

  1. This Agreement shall apply to the authorities of political sub-divisions of the Contracting Parties, within their territories, as it applies to the central authorities of the Contracting Parties, provided however that property owned by political sub-divisions shall not be considered to be property owned by a Contracting Party;
  2. It shall be the duty of a force and its civilian component, and the members thereof, as well as their dependents, to respect the law of the receiving State and to abstain from any activity inconsistent with the spirit of the present Treaty or the SANE Treaty.

Article 2

  1. The invitation previously extended by the Prince of Elwynn and the Court of the Prince to the Sovereign Defence Force (SDF) to establish and maintain garrisons in those areas disturbed by the agitation and sedition of Verionist forces and their Ayreonist helpers, shall now be extended to encompass those former members of the SDF garrisoned in the territories of the Sovereign Confederation upon the occasion of the transfer of the sovereignty of the Sovereign Confederation to the Elwynnese Republic, and the transfer of command over those selfsame garrisons to the Black Legions;
  2. The former members of the SDF transferred to the Black Legions shall not be deprived of citizenship on account of either transfer.

Article 3

The site of garrisons of the Black Legions in the Sovereign Confederation and Elwynn shall remain the sovereign territory of the Elwynnese Republic and, in return for the use of which, a nominal rent shall be agreed with the Court of the Prince and paid by Benacia Command.

Article 4

  1. This present treaty shall continue in perpetuity or until the demise of either of the Contracting Parties;
  2. Notwithstanding the preceding, the present treaty may be reviewed by the Contracting Parties every twelve years, and amended or withdrawn by mutual agreement upon that occasion;
  3. If either of the Contracting Parties shall seek to withdraw from this treaty unilaterally or in a manner inconsistent with the provisions thus outlined they shall be deemed an enemy of the peace and be made subject to all penalties arising thereof to the satisfaction of the aggrieved Contracting Party.

Article 5

This treaty shall come into effect immediately upon the exchange of the instruments of ratification of this treaty, which shall occur as soon as possible in the City of Kingsgate.

In witness whereof the above-named plenipotentiaries have signed their names,

Done at the City of Kingsgate, this [date].





Fourth Treaty

Treaty on Holwinn





The Sovereign Confederation of Suthergold, Norestria, and Holwinn and the Kingdom of Ransenar, affirming expression of the people of Holwinn to transfer the sovereignty of their governorate to the Kingdom of Ransenar, agree to act upon that expression by concluding the present treaty, and for that purpose appointed as their plenipotentiaries, for the Kingdom of Ransenar, Ruadh Aldric, Lord Protector, and for the Sovereign Confederation, Selardi Jen Daniyal, Magistra of the Eastern Banner Group, who, duly authorized by their respective governments, and having communicated to one another their credentials, found to be in good form, have agreed as follows:

Article 1

Upon the exchange of the instruments of ratification of this treaty, which shall occur as soon as possible in the City of Kingsgate, the Governorate of Holwinn shall immediately thereupon, be part of the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Ransenar.

Article 2

All citizens of the Sovereign Confederation legally resident within Holwinn, or who have been born to a resident of Holwinn, or who have lived continuously in Holwinn for a period no less than five years, shall receive the citizenship of Ransenar upon pledging their allegiance, under sacred oaths, to Her Majesty the Queen of Ransenar.

Article 3

  1. A Commission for the Integration of Holwinn shall be appointed by the Government of Ransenar, to comprise of six commissioners of the Kingdom of Ransenar, and six commissioners of the Sovereign Confederation.
  2. Benacia Command and the Elwynnese Republic shall be invited to send observers to attend the meetings of the Commission.

In witness whereof the above-named plenipotentiaries have signed their names,

Done at the City of Kingsgate, this [date].