Flag of Kalgachia
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According to the Kalgachi, this is what the phylactery of Benacian civilisation looks like.
The Flag of Kalgachia symbolises the following features of that country's national life and history:
- Green for the civilisational legacy of the Deep Singers, whose conception of The Garden was foundational to the Ketherist religion.
- Black for the civilisational legacy of the Liches of the House of Rossheim, whose enlightened authoritarianism was foundational to the philosophy of Kalgachi state.
- These colours abutted in intersecting diagonals, the upper half depicting verdant valleys in the shadow of mountains and the bottom half depicting their reflection in the still pond of homeland peace.
- As a central device, the symbol of the Gnostic Tendency of the Minarborian Church (thought to have evolved from an earlier cruciform) whose adepts became Kalgachia's founding rulers. White for the purity of their intent and the maximal light of their manifest works. Colloquially known as The Snowflake.