Treaty of Bruges Bay Act

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Law Status: Current legislation
Last Consolidated: 2017-12-10

A Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation between the High Realm of Stormark and the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg.[1]

The governments of the High Realm of Stormark and the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg, hereafter referred to as the 'High Contracting Parties,' represented by His Imperial and Royal Majesty Harald Freyjugjöf the Generous Giver of the House of the Descendants of Freyja, of the Ancient Blood of Long Lost Valtia and of the Most Sacred Blood of the Lady of the Vanir before that, Sacred Consort of the Most Gracious and Most Generous Ladies Divine Frigga, Freyja and Idunn, by Conquest, Popular Acclamation and the Indulgence of the said Fulltrui and Sacred Queens, High King of Stormark, Sovereign Lord on all Continents and The Honourable Sir Hyderus Adrianus, Minister of State of the Foreign Office of the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg, Knight of the Most Honorable Order of the Eagle, desiring to commence a new era of co-operation and friendship between their nations, have agreed upon the following articles:

Recognition and Friendship

1. The High Contracting Parties shall from this point forward, for as long as both continue to exist or desire this agreement to remain in-force, be in a perpetual state of mutual recognition and friendship, respecting each other’s independence and sovereignty.

2. The High Contracting Parties commit to the peaceful resolution of any and all disagreements that may occur to estrange or otherwise alienate them from one another.

3. The High Contracting Parties shall refrain from any aggressive, subversive, belligerent, or hostile act or policy, either overtly or covertly, directed against one another.

4. The High Contracting Parties commit to identifying and cooperating on issues of mutual interest, including those presented through intermicronational organizations of which both are members, with the goal of creating a closer bilateral relationship.

Neutrality of High Contracting Parties

5. Each High Contracting Party shall respect the neutrality of the other. Neither shall seek to involve the other High Contracting Party in any conflict between it and a third party and each High Contracting Party understands that this agreement does not commit the other into taking any action whatsoever in support of it during any third-party conflict.

Freedom of Movement

6. Each High Contracting Party shall provide the other’s nationals freedom of movement and participation on its public forums and spaces subject to applicable terms, conditions and laws.

7. Each High Contracting Party recognizes that its nationals, when in the other’s territory, shall be subject to its laws and system of justice, and commits to a stance of non-interference where a national is subject to penalty for unlawful acts undertaken within the other’s territory.

Diplomatic Immunity

8. Each High Contracting Party shall grant onto the other's sovereign, and any accredited diplomatic officials, full immunity from prosecution for offences that may be committed within its jurisdiction. The immunity for diplomatic officials other than the sovereign may be waived on an individual case-by-case basis at the agreement of both High Contracting Parties for certain heinous crimes.


9. The High Contracting Parties undertake to encourage full and productive co-operation between organs of the state, academic or other research institutions, charitable organisations and other such entities engaged in the pursuit of the furtherance of archaeology, cultural development, history, language, science, technology, and other such areas of research, across both jurisdictions, and shall endeavour to lift any unnecessary bars or fetters to such research and provide expedited state entry procedures for those individuals involved.

Mutual Prosperity

10. The High Contracting Parties shall permit and encourage trade, commerce and industry across their borders, with special consideration given to the transit of manufactured goods and raw materials. In major infrastructure projects, the governments of the High Contracting Parties shall in the tendering process consider companies from each nation alike.

Respect for Territory

11. The High Contracting Parties shall respect their rights to future territorial expansion and recognise the international limit of rights to waters as categorised into two zones:

  1. The territorial waters, consisting of 12 nautical miles from the coast of the state, subject to full jurisdiction of the state;
  2. Exclusive economic zone, consisting of 200 nautical miles from the coast of the state, in which the state shall have exclusive rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to the seabed and of the seabed and its subsoil, and with regard to other activities for the economic exploitation and exploration of the zone, such as the production of energy from the water, currents and winds;
  3. Wherever the exclusive economic zones of the High Contracting Parties shall clash, the median point between the coasts of the states shall be the border of between the aforesaid exclusive economic zones.

12. Further clarification on the question of territorial waters may be produced by mutual consent of the High Contracting Parties via an ancillary agreement to this Treaty.

Victorian Military Assets

13. Of the military assets of the Kingdom and Empire of Victoria, all of which were transferred to the sovereign control of the High Realm of Stormark by Her Majesty Queen Victoria II of the Kingdom and Empire of Victoria upon the dissolution of the aforesaid State on December 20, 2011, the military units listed in the Schedule to this Treaty shall upon the coming into effect of this Treaty be transferred to the sovereign control of the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg.

Efficacy of this Treaty

14. This Treaty shall take effect upon ratification by the High Contracting Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional laws and customs and may be terminated in accordance with the same.

15. This Treaty shall be valid indefinitely, and may also be amended, repealed or replaced by mutual consent of the High Contracting Parties.

16. Following the negotiation of any further amendments to this Treaty, it shall be re-signed and re-ratified.

17. This Treaty shall lapse if one High Contracting Party collapses, dies or is annexed by another sovereign nation, and shall not bind any successor state.

Concluded this day, Friday, 27 December 2013 / 7 Vidiland 13, at the City of Lonenberg.

Signed for the High Realm of Stormark:

In the name of the Three Ladies Divine, Frigga, Freyja and Idunn, Fulltrui and Sacred Queens of the Lands of the Longships Throne since time immemorial, from Whom all Authority in the High Realm of Stormark is derived I hereby affix My Signature to this Treaty!


Haraldur Freyjugjöf af Ættingjunum Freyju, Yfirkonungur Stórmerkur

Signed for the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg:

Sir Hyderus Adrianus Minister of State, Foreign Office The Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg


Military units to be transferred to the sovereign control of the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg:

  1. King's Own Highlanders (Infantry);
  2. Parachute Regiment (Infantry);
  3. Queen's Own Rifles (Infantry);
  4. Queen's Own Southern Borderers (Infantry);
  5. Queen's Own Victorian Lowlanders (Infantry);
  6. Riego Guard (Infantry);
  7. Royal Aalsborg (Deathshead) (Infantry);
  8. Royal Adraisia (Infantry);
  9. Royal Forresters (Infantry);
  10. Royal Highland Rifles (Infantry);
  11. Royal Highlanders (The Black Watch) (Infantry);
  12. Royal Impi (Infantry);
  13. Royal Victorian Guard (Infantry);
  14. Southern Guards (Infantry);
  15. Southern Lowland Fusiliers (Infantry);
  16. Viewfourth Borderers (Infantry).


  1. ^ This Act supersedes the Stormark Treaty Act in its entirety.
Chamber of Deputies Hansard Record
Introduction Date: 2013-12-27
Tabled By: His Royal Majesty
Vote Outcome: In Favour: ; Against:
Royal Assent Date: 2013-12-27 (Article 28)