Finance Act

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Law Status: In-Force
Last Consolidated: 2017-12-10

An Act to enable the creation of an independent Finance Office, with powers to control the Royal Bank of Commerce, which would absorb the task of managing Payroll, Heraldy Fees and Property Purchases, with provisions to establish a Royal Mint.

Be it decreed by His Royal Majesty, King August Charles II, by and with the advice and consent of the Government and Peoples of Gotzborg, in this Chamber of Deputies here assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

Short Title

1. This Act may be cited as the Finance Act.


2. Vice-Minister shall refer to the Vice-Minister for Commerce and Industry, as appointed by the Royal Chancellor, or his designate.

Establishment of the Finance Office

3. There shall be a Vice-Minister of Commerce and Industry with the powers to oversee the:

  1. Royal Bank of Commerce;
  2. Royal Mint (upon creation);
  3. Land purchases;
  4. Collection of heraldry fees; and,
  5. Management of payroll, supervised and controlled by the Vice-Minister of Commerce and Industry;

4. Repealed. [1]

5. Land purchases includes property owned by the state, which is rented or sold. The Vice-Minister shall be charged with collecting the payment from the purchasers or tenants for the Royal Bank of Commerce when land purchases are executed by the State, providing proof of ownership to the owner upon purchasing and overseeing private purchases between individuals.

6. Heraldry fees are a fee that is charged upon the registration of a citizen's Coat of Arms, and are established by His Royal Majesty. The Vice-Minister is charged with collecting these fees from each citizen of Gotzborg, who may purchase his Coat of Arms.

7. Payroll involves the budget each Royal Government entity is allowed each fiscal year, which was established in the Economic Foundation Act of 2004. The Vice-Minister is charged with overseeing that the Royal Bank of Commerce promptly pays each citizen of Gotzborg their established salaries.

8. The Vice-Minister shall be appointed by the Royal Chancellor or his designate, and he or she shall serve until dismissed by the before-mentioned or until he decides to resign the post.

  1. The Vice-Minister may appoint or hire Deputy Ministers and officials, delegating tasks to the beforementioned as he feels will best serve the needs of the Vice-Ministry. The Vice-Minister shall be empowered to dismiss any such Deputy Ministers and officials as he wishes;
  2. The Royal Chancellor or his designate may remove or suspend the Vice-Minister from his position at any time;
  3. The Vice-Minister may resign his office at any time by notice in writing addressed to the Royal Chancellor;


Chamber of Deputies Hansard Record
Introduction Date: 2005-01-25
Tabled By: Hamlin Hannibal Harte
Vote Outcome: In Favour: ?; Against: ?
Royal Assent Date: 2005-12-21
  1. ^ 2013-02-19: As amended by the Currency, Exchange and Banking Act.