National Military Schooling Institute

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The National Military Schooling Institute is the governing body for all Military Schools and Academies affiliated with the Kingdom of Nova England. Its objective is to create a standardised syllabus and undertake inspections to ensure high standards within Military Education facilities.

Roles of the NMSI include;

  • Standardised Regulations
  • Inspections of Facilities and teaching standards
  • Representing Military education facilities within government
  • Managing the overall Military education budget

Affiliated Establishments

Following the Evacuations and the Great Disaster, many affiliated establishments dissolved or reverted to civilian status within Mercurian Nova England. Currently the only remaining NMSI establishment within the Kingdom of Nova England is ‘Spearpoint Military Academy’. Which provides officer training for the Nova English Armed Forces in addition to providing education for 12-17 year olds within its sister campus located within Newcastle-Upon-Eastmoor.


The NMSI is headed by a Chief Inspector who is selected by the Ministry of Defence, underneath the Chief Inspector there are departmental chiefs and the 'Education Standards Council'.

NMSI Departments include;

  • Regulation Inspectorate
  • Treasury
  • Education Standards Council
  • Armed Forces Liaison
  • Marketing