Extremely common across eastern and central Corum, the Giid-Liesa-Eda actually originates in Corum's Inner Desert. According to recent theories, this ferocious, tusked creature, has been attracted to the continent's northern regions by increased human activities such as large-scale farming. Using its tusks, the Giid-Lisea-Irf is known to dig into the ground in order to access plant roots, which it pulls out of the ground using its powerful trunk. As a result of the damage it causes every year to the farmland around Afrikaania and other cities, this creature is one of the most widely hunted beasts in the region. Indeed, its meat is commonly featured on dinner tables in the more rural areas of New Zimia.
Although the majority of the Giid-Lisea are wild and found in herds grazing the deserts of Corum, it is also true that small populations of the Giid-Lisea have also been domesticated. The Giid-Lisea is ranched in relatively high numbers by employees of the Giid-Lisea Ranching Company. Ranching of the Giid-Lisea-Eda, however, is nowhere near as widespread as ranching involving the Eeli-Illt-Eda. Especially useful as pack animals in mining operations and other types of heavy industrial activities, the creatures have been used by the shire:Iron Company to develop the Benacian colony of Itteria.
Found in only 4 out of 20 Pallisican cities in Corum, this species is uncommon.