East Wall (defensive works)

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The East Wall was a defensive wall which extended from the northernmost coast of Wintergleam to the Guttuli of Lunaris. Inaugurated(1) by King Ryker Everstone of Goldshire during the Sxiro-Jingdaoese Confrontation, the majority of structures associated with the defensive works had, by 1733 AN, fallen into ruin. The course of the coastal fortifications remained however marked in the 18th century after Norton by the parallel tracks of the railway which had sustained the construction and garrisoning of the wall during its heyday.

The ruins of the wall were visited by survey officers from the Grand Commissariat of Benacia Command during the years 1732 AN and 1733 AN as the Shiro-Benacian Cold War worsened in the aftermath of the Sathrati Emergency.