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House of Al-Lusirni/Nikah between Abu Thalhah ibn Ahmad Abdullah Inzun Shah and Imane bint Salah Ad-Din Al-Lusirni

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Nikah between Abu Thalhah ibn Ahmad Abdullah Inzun Shah and Imane bint Salah Ad-Din Al-Lusirni

General provisions

  1. Abu Thalhah ibn Ahmad Abdullah Inzun Shah (place of birth, year of birth AN) and Imane bint Salah Ad-Din Al-Lusirni (Vrijplaats, 1706 AN), out of their free will and sound of mind, agree to marry.
  2. The groom may only take another spouse if the bride agrees to this.
  3. Both spouses profess the muslim faith and their children shall be raised as muslims.
  4. The bride shall receive a dowry of 27 000 dinar to be paid by the groom, one two thirrds before the marriage, the other third within one Norton year.
  5. Both spouses agree to reside in the Sultanate of Kurum Ash-Sharqia.

IRL provisions

  1. Frans shall keep control of both characters and their issue.
  2. Abu Thalhah ibn Ahmad Abdullah Inzun Shah shall receive a noble title and be the founder of a new noble house in Kurum Ash-Sharqia.

Royal sanction

  1. The Sultan agrees to this marriage as stipulated by article 15 of the constitution.


  1. Abu Thalhah ibn Ahmad Abdullah Inzun Shah, Prince of Kuala Forajasaki
  2. Imane bint Salah Ad-Din Al-Lusirni, Princess of Kurum Ash-Sharqia


  1. Saif Ad-Din I, Sultan of Kurum Ash-Sharqia
  2. Imad Ad-Din ibn Salah Ad-Din Al-Lusirni, Prince of Kurum Ash-Sharqia

Done at Kuala Forajasaki, 1732 AN.