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New Zimian War League (Post 41.72 PSSC)

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See also: New Zimian War League Pre-37.80 PSSC
See also: New Zimian War League


Supported Militias


New Zimian War League

Unit Number
Active Units 5,878,125
Reserve Units 8,397,322
Esper Class Aircraft Carrier 8
Kesh Class Modern Attack Submarine 26
Indigo Class Gunboat 127
Bijeko Class Attack Craft 38
Alpha Class Proximity Aircraft 256
Aead Class Attack Helicopter 509
Zibertian Class Cruiser 11
Northman Class Corvette 50
Rey Class Submersible Destroyer 26
Simia Class Battle Tank 5,044
Nuncrest Class Armored Infantry 10,087
Ossyo Class Armored Anti-Aircraft 12,609
Lucinspire Class Heavy Tank 5,044
Empire Class Light Tank 7,211
Petal Class Unmanned Aircraft 12,609
P62 Rifle 3,362,460
p62 Rifle W/Grenade Launcher 2,521,850
P62 Commando 2,192,922
P62 Covert 2,017,480
Shirley 9mm Pistol 5,043,699
P29 Sniper Rifle 1,260,925
836-C "83-SixtyC" Compound Intercept 993
Momiji Class Orbital Destroyer 1
Antractic Class Sea Bomber 191
Quadwalker "Horehound" 4170 279
Quadwalker "Dungbeetle" 4172 186
Quadwalker "Deve-Adred" 4187 124
Quadwalker "Oble-Lisea" 4189 1,582
152mm Howitzer 29,666
Yurish KV-1 29,666
Yurish KV-2 12,855
Yurish KV-3 4,944
Yurish KA 2,967
Yursh KAS 79,110
M15 Adrian Helmet 12,361
80mm Field Gun 57
Dolstier I (Main Battle Tank) 5
Ozymandias Dreadnought Class 3
Kattei Class Battleship 1
Blackrock Class Carrier 6
Magicarp Class Frigate 23
Sheng Class Cruiser 4
Raven IV Model 4
Jan-Van-Gent Model 16
N.E.W. Blaecscúr 24
Aetgar Coastal Defence System 24
N.E.W. R-06 MBT 59
N.E.W. L-10 APC 77,132
N.E.W. G36 Range 53,399
N.E.W. BRNEC-20 49,246
N.E.W. SMG5 43,906
N.E.W. Ondrysen Rifle 59
LandFara MOD Series 59
LandFara Grendel 59
LandFara þorn 16
LAC Buladocga 16

Leagues of Corumia


Unit Total League of the Empress Donnetian Division Pallisicon Division Bijekian Division Underground Division League of Greater Corumia Meadwod Division Corum Electric Division Brabipant Division Wallis Island Division
Active Units 2,351,250 940,500 329,175 235,125 141,075 188,100 1,293,188 387,956 193,978 452,616 193,978
Reserve Units 3,358,929 1,343,572 470,250 335,893 201,536 268,714 1,847,411 554,223 277,112 646,594 277,112
Esper Class Aircraft Carrier 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0
Kesh Class Modern Attack Submarine 10 4 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 2 1
Indigo Class Gunboat 51 20 7 5 3 4 28 8 4 10 4
Bijeko Class Attack Craft 15 6 2 2 1 1 8 3 1 3 1
Alpha Class Proximity Aircraft 102 41 14 10 6 8 56 17 8 20 8
Aead Class Attack Helicopter 204 82 29 20 12 16 112 34 17 39 17
Zibertian Class Cruiser 4 2 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0
Northman Class Corvette 20 8 3 2 1 2 11 3 2 4 2
Rey Class Submersible Destroyer 10 4 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 2 1
Simia Class Battle Tank 2,017 807 282 202 121 161 1,110 333 166 388 166
Nuncrest Class Armored Infantry 4,035 1,614 565 403 242 323 2,219 666 333 777 333
Ossyo Class Armored Anti-Aircraft 5,044 2,017 706 504 303 403 2,774 832 416 971 416
Lucinspire Class Heavy Tank 2,017 807 282 202 121 161 1,110 333 166 388 166
Empire Class Light Tank 2,884 1,154 404 288 173 231 1,586 476 238 555 238
Petal Class Unmanned Aircraft 5,044 2,017 706 504 303 403 2,774 832 416 971 416
P62 Rifle 1,344,984 537,994 188,298 134,498 80,699 107,599 739,741 221,922 110,961 258,909 110,961
p62 Rifle W/Grenade Launcher 1,008,740 403,496 141,224 100,874 60,524 80,699 554,807 166,442 83,221 194,182 83,221
P62 Commando 877,169 350,867 122,804 87,717 52,630 70,173 482,443 144,733 72,366 168,855 72,366
P62 Covert 806,992 322,797 112,979 80,699 48,420 64,559 443,846 133,154 66,577 155,346 66,577
Shirley 9mm Pistol 2,017,480 806,992 282,447 201,748 121,049 161,398 1,109,614 332,884 166,442 388,365 166,442
P29 Sniper Rifle 504,370 201,748 70,612 50,437 30,262 40,350 277,403 83,221 41,611 97,091 41,611
836-C "83-SixtyC" Compound Intercept 397 159 56 40 24 32 219 66 33 76 33
Momiji Class Orbital Destroyer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Antractic Class Sea Bomber 77 31 11 8 5 6 42 13 6 15 6
Quadwalker "Horehound" 4170 112 45 16 11 7 9 61 18 9 22 9
Quadwalker "Dungbeetle" 4172 74 30 10 7 4 6 41 12 6 14 6
Quadwalker "Deve-Adred" 4187 50 20 7 5 3 4 27 8 4 10 4
Quadwalker "Oble-Lisea" 4189 633 253 89 63 38 51 348 104 52 122 52
152mm Howitzer 11,867 4,747 1,661 1,187 712 949 6,527 1,958 979 2,284 979
Yurish KV-1 11,867 4,747 1,661 1,187 712 949 6,527 1,958 979 2,284 979
Yurish KV-2 5,142 2,057 720 514 309 411 2,828 848 424 990 424
Yurish KV-3 1,978 791 277 198 119 158 1,088 326 163 381 163
Yurish KA 1,187 475 166 119 71 95 653 196 98 228 98
Yursh KAS 31,644 12,658 4,430 3,164 1,899 2,532 17,404 5,221 2,611 6,091 2,611
M15 Adrian Helmet 4,944 1,978 692 494 297 396 2,719 816 408 952 408
80mm Field Gun 23 9 3 2 1 2 12 4 2 4 2
Dolstier I (Main Battle Tank) 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Ozymandias Dreadnought Class 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Kattei Class Battleship 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Blackrock Class Carrier 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Magicarp Class Frigate 9 4 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 2 1
Sheng Class Cruiser 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Raven IV Model 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Jan-Van-Gent Model 6 3 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 1
N.E.W. Blaecscúr 10 4 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 2 1
Aetgar Coastal Defence System 10 4 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 2 1
N.E.W. R-06 MBT 24 9 3 2 1 2 13 4 2 5 2
N.E.W. L-10 APC 30,853 12,341 4,319 3,085 1,851 2,468 16,969 5,091 2,545 5,939 2,545
N.E.W. G36 Range 21,360 8,544 2,990 2,136 1,282 1,709 11,748 3,524 1,762 4,112 1,762
N.E.W. BRNEC-20 19,698 7,879 2,758 1,970 1,182 1,576 10,834 3,250 1,625 3,792 1,625
N.E.W. SMG5 17,562 7,025 2,459 1,756 1,054 1,405 9,659 2,898 1,449 3,381 1,449
N.E.W. Ondrysen Rifle 24 9 3 2 1 2 13 4 2 5 2
LandFara MOD Series 24 9 3 2 1 2 13 4 2 5 2
LandFara Grendel 24 9 3 2 1 2 13 4 2 5 2
LandFara þorn 6 3 1 1 0 1 4 1 1 1 1
LAC Buladocga 6 3 1 1 0 1 4 1 1 1 1

Operational Activity

Date Formation Subject Summary
43.01 PSSC League of the Empress Operation 43.01 Northern Corum The League of the Empress supports Bassarid security and interests across Northern Corum.
  • Donnetian Division:
    • 44.07 PSSC: The Donnetian Division declares victory in its campaign to defeat local anti-Bassarid, Pallisican extremist groups.
  • Pallisicon Division
    • 43.57: The Pallisicon Division defends the waters of Lake Norton.
  • Bijekian Division
    • 43.38: The Bijekian Division seizes vessels believed to be smuggling Noctic-Rabrev from the Corumian Underground.
    • 43.57: The Bijekian Division is deployed in support of the Meadwod Division.
  • Underground Division
    • 43.57: the Underground Division establishes border checkpoints at all entrances to the Corumian Underground which fall outside the borders of the Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Union. The Division is furthermore directed to destroy all entrances to the realm which cannot be readily defended.


43.01 PSSC League of Greater Corumia Operation 43.01 Greater Corumia The League of Greater Corumia supports Bassarid security and interests across Greater Corumia.
  • Meadwod Division:
    • 43.14 PSSC: The Meadwod Division supports the Corum Electric Division in its efforts to expel militant forces supportive of the dissolved government of Al-Qatari.
    • 43.57 PSSC: The Meadwod Division is supported by the Bijekian Division as it resumes its original mission.
  • Corum Electric Division
    • 43.12 PSSC: The Corum Electric Division dissolves the government of Al-Qatari.
    • 43.14 PSSC: The Corum Electric Division expels militant forces supportive of the dissolved government of Al-Qatari.
    • 44.07 PSSC: The Corum Electric Division launches a campaign aimed at combating the influence of anti-Bassarid Gamesman extremist groups operating in and around the city of Aiji.
    • 44.44 PSSC: The Corum Electric Division arrests individuals within the Aijian government who are suspected of harboring ties to anti-Bassarid Gamesman extremist groups in the region.
    • 45.56 PSSC: The Corum Electric Division expels all foreign nationals in Aiji and the surrounding Green, and arrests any Gamesman suspected of harboring to ties to indigenous anti-Bassarid extremist groups.
  • Brabipant Division
    • 43.57 PSSC: The Brabipant Division launches a campaign aimed at eliminating the threat of foreign piracy in the waters of southern Corum.
    • 44.07 PSSC: The Brapipant Division launches an offensive against pirate strongholds in Livingston and Murcia.
  • Wallis Island Division
    • 45.66 PSSC: The Wallis Island Division monitors and disrupts threats along Bassarid trade routes connecting Corum and Cibola.


  • Territorial Expansion
    • 45.62 PSSC: Operations carried out by the Corum Electric Division culminate in the annexation of Al-Qatari and Aiji Provinces by the Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Association.

Leagues of Euranidom


Unit Total League of Levi Vandia-Levi Division Fort Tobe Division Orange Sea Division Rift Valley Division Core Euranidom League Gulf of Zinjiba Division Krey'Akusu Division Gulf of Vayelon Division Duranian Division
Active Units 1,175,625 411,469 82,294 123,441 41,147 20,573 764,156 152,831 229,247 267,455 114,623
Reserve Units 1,679,465 587,813 117,563 176,344 58,781 29,391 1,091,652 218,330 327,496 382,078 163,748
Esper Class Aircraft Carrier 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Kesh Class Modern Attack Submarine 5 2 0 1 0 0 3 1 1 1 1
Indigo Class Gunboat 25 9 2 3 1 0 16 3 5 6 2
Bijeko Class Attack Craft 8 3 1 1 0 0 5 1 1 2 1
Alpha Class Proximity Aircraft 51 18 4 5 2 1 33 7 10 12 5
Aead Class Attack Helicopter 102 36 7 11 4 2 66 13 20 23 10
Zibertian Class Cruiser 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Northman Class Corvette 10 4 1 1 0 0 7 1 2 2 1
Rey Class Submersible Destroyer 5 2 0 1 0 0 3 1 1 1 1
Simia Class Battle Tank 1,009 353 71 106 35 18 656 131 197 229 98
Nuncrest Class Armored Infantry 2,017 706 141 212 71 35 1,311 262 393 459 197
Ossyo Class Armored Anti-Aircraft 2,522 883 177 265 88 44 1,639 328 492 574 246
Lucinspire Class Heavy Tank 1,009 353 71 106 35 18 656 131 197 229 98
Empire Class Light Tank 1,442 505 101 151 50 25 937 187 281 328 141
Petal Class Unmanned Aircraft 2,522 883 177 265 88 44 1,639 328 492 574 246
P62 Rifle 672,492 235,372 47,074 70,612 23,537 11,769 437,120 87,424 131,136 152,992 65,568
p62 Rifle W/Grenade Launcher 504,370 176,529 35,306 52,959 17,653 8,826 327,840 65,568 98,352 114,744 49,176
P62 Commando 438,584 153,505 30,701 46,051 15,350 7,675 285,080 57,016 85,524 99,778 42,762
P62 Covert 403,496 141,224 28,245 42,367 14,122 7,061 262,272 52,454 78,682 91,795 39,341
Shirley 9mm Pistol 1,008,740 353,059 70,612 105,918 35,306 17,653 655,681 131,136 196,704 229,488 98,352
P29 Sniper Rifle 252,185 88,265 17,653 26,479 8,826 4,413 163,920 32,784 49,176 57,372 24,588
836-C "83-SixtyC" Compound Intercept 199 70 14 21 7 3 129 26 39 45 19
Momiji Class Orbital Destroyer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Antractic Class Sea Bomber 38 13 3 4 1 1 25 5 7 9 4
Quadwalker "Horehound" 4170 56 20 4 6 2 1 36 7 11 13 5
Quadwalker "Dungbeetle" 4172 37 13 3 4 1 1 24 5 7 8 4
Quadwalker "Deve-Adred" 4187 25 9 2 3 1 0 16 3 5 6 2
Quadwalker "Oble-Lisea" 4189 316 111 22 33 11 6 206 41 62 72 31
152mm Howitzer 5,933 2,077 415 623 208 104 3,857 771 1,157 1,350 578
Yurish KV-1 5,933 2,077 415 623 208 104 3,857 771 1,157 1,350 578
Yurish KV-2 2,571 900 180 270 90 45 1,671 334 501 585 251
Yurish KV-3 989 346 69 104 35 17 643 129 193 225 96
Yurish KA 593 208 42 62 21 10 386 77 116 135 58
Yursh KAS 15,822 5,538 1,108 1,661 554 277 10,284 2,057 3,085 3,600 1,543
M15 Adrian Helmet 2,472 865 173 260 87 43 1,607 321 482 562 241
80mm Field Gun 11 4 1 1 0 0 7 1 2 3 1
Dolstier I (Main Battle Tank) 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Ozymandias Dreadnought Class 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kattei Class Battleship 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Blackrock Class Carrier 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Magicarp Class Frigate 5 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 0
Sheng Class Cruiser 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Raven IV Model 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Jan-Van-Gent Model 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0
N.E.W. Blaecscúr 5 2 0 1 0 0 3 1 1 1 0
Aetgar Coastal Defence System 5 2 0 1 0 0 3 1 1 1 0
N.E.W. R-06 MBT 12 4 1 1 0 0 8 2 2 3 1
N.E.W. L-10 APC 15,426 5,399 1,080 1,620 540 270 10,027 2,005 3,008 3,510 1,504
N.E.W. G36 Range 10,680 3,738 748 1,121 374 187 6,942 1,388 2,083 2,430 1,041
N.E.W. BRNEC-20 9,849 3,447 689 1,034 345 172 6,402 1,280 1,921 2,241 960
N.E.W. SMG5 8,781 3,073 615 922 307 154 5,708 1,142 1,712 1,998 856
N.E.W. Ondrysen Rifle 12 4 1 1 0 0 8 2 2 3 1
LandFara MOD Series 12 4 1 1 0 0 8 2 2 3 1
LandFara Grendel 12 4 1 1 0 0 8 2 2 3 1
LandFara þorn 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0
LAC Buladocga 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0
Operational Activity
Date Formation Subject Summary
45.56 PSSC League of Levi Operation 45.56 Greater Euranidom The League of Levi supports Bassarid security and interests across Greater Euranidom.
  • Vandia-Levi Division:
    • 45.56 PSSC: The Vandia-Levi Division develops, constructs, and improves military infrastructure in Vandia-Levi and Fort Tobe.
  • Fort Tobe Division
    • 45.56 PSSC: The Fort Tobe Division develops, constructs, and improves commercial infrastructure in Vandia-Levi and Fort Tobe.
  • Orange Sea Division
    • 45.56 PSSC: The Orange Sea Division monitors and disrupts threats to Bassarid commerce passing between Euranidom and Southern Keltiania.
  • Rift Valley Division
    • 45.56 PSSC: The Rift Valley Division monitors and disrupts threats to Bassarid commerce in northern Euranidom.


45.56 PSSC Core Euranidom League Operation 45.56 Core Euranidom The Core Euranidom League supports Bassarid security and interests across Core Euranidom.
  • Gulf of Zinjiba Division:
    • 45.56 PSSC: The Gulf of Zinjiba Division disrupts and monitors threats along Bassarid shipping Lanes connecting Bahia-e Ebrahiama to the mainland Eastern Eura Trade Association.
  • Krey'Akusu Division
    • 45.56 PSSC: The Krey'Akusu Division develops, constructs, and improves military infrastructure in the Krey'Akusu Archipelago.
  • Gulf of Vayelon Division
    • 45.56 PSSC: The Gulf of Vayelow Division monitors and disrupts threats along Bassarid shipping Lanes connecting Euranidom and Corumia.
  • Duranian Division
    • 45.56 PSSC: The Duranian Division develops, constructs, and improves military infrastructure in Pallisical Port Felix.


Leagues of Southern Keltiania


Unit Total League of the Captive Sea Voorpost Division Ghriba Division Fort Carol Division Springville Division Cherusken League Soekanograd Division Cherusken Highlands Division Graniczma Division Julius Division
Active Units 1,763,438 969,891 145,484 169,731 164,881 484,945 793,547 277,741 79,355 198,387 238,064
Reserve Units 2,519,197 1,385,558 207,834 242,473 41,220 692,779 1,133,639 396,773 113,364 283,410 340,092
Esper Class Aircraft Carrier 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Kesh Class Modern Attack Submarine 8 4 1 1 0 2 4 1 0 1 1
Indigo Class Gunboat 38 21 3 4 1 10 17 6 2 4 5
Bijeko Class Attack Craft 11 6 1 1 0 3 5 2 1 1 2
Alpha Class Proximity Aircraft 77 42 6 7 1 21 35 12 3 9 10
Aead Class Attack Helicopter 153 84 13 15 3 42 69 24 7 17 21
Zibertian Class Cruiser 3 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0
Northman Class Corvette 15 8 1 1 0 4 7 2 1 2 2
Rey Class Submersible Destroyer 8 4 1 1 0 2 4 1 0 1 1
Simia Class Battle Tank 1,513 832 125 146 25 416 681 238 68 170 204
Nuncrest Class Armored Infantry 3,026 1,664 250 291 50 832 1,362 477 136 340 409
Ossyo Class Armored Anti-Aircraft 3,783 2,081 312 364 62 1,040 1,702 596 170 426 511
Lucinspire Class Heavy Tank 1,513 832 125 146 25 416 681 238 68 170 204
Empire Class Light Tank 2,163 1,190 178 208 35 595 973 341 97 243 292
Petal Class Unmanned Aircraft 3,783 2,081 312 364 62 1,040 1,702 596 170 426 511
P62 Rifle 1,008,738 554,806 83,221 97,091 16,505 277,403 453,932 158,876 45,393 113,483 136,180
p62 Rifle W/Grenade Launcher 756,555 416,105 62,416 72,818 12,379 208,053 340,450 119,157 34,045 85,112 102,135
P62 Commando 657,877 361,832 54,275 63,321 10,765 180,916 296,044 103,616 29,604 74,011 88,813
P62 Covert 605,244 332,884 49,933 58,255 9,903 166,442 272,360 95,326 27,236 68,090 81,708
Shirley 9mm Pistol 1,513,110 832,210 124,832 145,637 24,758 416,105 680,899 238,315 68,090 170,225 204,270
P29 Sniper Rifle 378,277 208,053 31,208 36,409 6,190 104,026 170,225 59,579 17,022 42,556 51,067
836-C "83-SixtyC" Compound Intercept 298 164 25 29 5 82 134 47 13 34 40
Momiji Class Orbital Destroyer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Antractic Class Sea Bomber 57 32 5 6 1 16 26 9 3 6 8
Quadwalker "Horehound" 4170 84 46 7 8 1 23 38 13 4 9 11
Quadwalker "Dungbeetle" 4172 56 31 5 5 1 15 25 9 3 6 8
Quadwalker "Deve-Adred" 4187 37 20 3 4 1 10 17 6 2 4 5
Quadwalker "Oble-Lisea" 4189 475 261 39 46 8 131 214 75 21 53 64
152mm Howitzer 8,900 4,895 734 857 146 2,447 4,005 1,402 400 1,001 1,201
Yurish KV-1 8,900 4,895 734 857 146 2,447 4,005 1,402 400 1,001 1,201
Yurish KV-2 3,857 2,121 318 371 63 1,061 1,735 607 174 434 521
Yurish KV-3 1,483 816 122 143 24 408 667 234 67 167 200
Yurish KA 890 489 73 86 15 245 400 140 40 100 120
Yursh KAS 23,733 13,053 1,958 2,284 388 6,527 10,680 3,738 1,068 2,670 3,204
M15 Adrian Helmet 3,708 2,040 306 357 61 1,020 1,669 584 167 417 501
80mm Field Gun 17 9 1 2 0 5 8 3 1 2 2
Dolstier I (Main Battle Tank) 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Ozymandias Dreadnought Class 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kattei Class Battleship 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Blackrock Class Carrier 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Magicarp Class Frigate 7 4 1 1 0 2 3 1 0 1 1
Sheng Class Cruiser 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Raven IV Model 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Jan-Van-Gent Model 5 3 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 1
N.E.W. Blaecscúr 7 4 1 1 0 2 3 1 0 1 1
Aetgar Coastal Defence System 7 4 1 1 0 2 3 1 0 1 1
N.E.W. R-06 MBT 18 10 1 2 0 5 8 3 1 2 2
N.E.W. L-10 APC 23,140 12,727 1,909 2,227 379 6,363 10,413 3,644 1,041 2,603 3,124
N.E.W. G36 Range 16,020 8,811 1,322 1,542 262 4,405 7,209 2,523 721 1,802 2,163
N.E.W. BRNEC-20 14,774 8,126 1,219 1,422 242 4,063 6,648 2,327 665 1,662 1,994
N.E.W. SMG5 13,172 7,244 1,087 1,268 216 3,622 5,927 2,075 593 1,482 1,778
N.E.W. Ondrysen Rifle 18 10 1 2 0 5 8 3 1 2 2
LandFara MOD Series 18 10 1 2 0 5 8 3 1 2 2
LandFara Grendel 18 10 1 2 0 5 8 3 1 2 2
LandFara þorn 5 3 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 1
LAC Buladocga 5 3 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 1
Operational Activity
Date Formation Subject Summary
43.01 PSSC League of the Captive Sea Operation 43.01 Captive Sea The League of the Captive Sea supports Bassarid security and interests across Southwestern Keltia.
  • Voorpost Division:
    • 43.76 PSSC: The Voorpost Division disrupts threats to shipping lanes between Ghriba and Aghir and Voorpost.]
    • 44.44 PSSC: The Voorpost Division extends operations to shipping lanes between Ghriba And Aghir, and Bajia-e Ebrahiama.
  • Ghriba Division
    • 43.14 PSSC: The Ghriba Division deploys forces to destroy offshore WM17 factories around the Orange Sea.
    • 43.76 PSSC: The Ghriba Division seizes control of WM17 factories around the Orange Sea.
    • 44.44 PSSC: The Ghriba Division arrests and executes individuals suspected of harboring ties to WM17 cartels operating in the region.
  • Fort Carol Division
    • 43.76 PSSC: The Fort Carol Division provides security for the Merchants of Triumph transporting goods across the S.Cherusken Highlands.
  • Springville Division
    • 43.76 PSSC: The Springville Division disrupts support for extremists group operating in the Unincorporated city of Del Faz.
    • 44.07: The Springville Division declares victory in its campaign to suppress and eliminate extremist groups operating in Del Faz.
    • 44.44 PSSC: The Springville Division launches operations aimed at monitoring and suppressing illegal smuggling operations in the waters connecting Springville to Chelkran Kesh.


43.01 PSSC Cherusken League Operation 43.01 Southern Keltia The Cherusken League supports Bassarid security and interests across Southern Keltia.
  • Soekanograd Division:
    • 44.07 PSSC: The Soekanograd Division launches a campaign aimed at providing security to Bassarid merchants traveling between the Dependency of Tanah-Baru and the Bassarid city states of Nei Koneslaji and Port Trinibelle.
  • Cherusken Highlands Division
    • 43.12 PSSC: The Cherusken Highlands Division provides security for Merchants of Triumph traversing the Southern Cherusken Highlands.
    • 43.38 PSSC: The Cherusken Highlands Division launches a series of direct strikes against Kota Baruvian facilities and strongholds across the Southern Cherusken Highlands.
  • Graniczma Division
  • Julius Division
    • 43.76 PSSC: The Julius Division seizes vessels believed to be carrying Bassarid cargo without authorization.


Leagues of Haifan Keltiania


Unit Total League of the Southern Strait Blore Heath Division Mylecia Division Jogi Division Tel-Amin Division League of the Northern Strait Vaeringheim Division Haifa Division Jezeri Division Hatch Ministry Division
Active Units 587,813 235,125 105,806 70,538 35,269 23,513 352,688 42,323 229,247 17,634 63,484
Reserve Units 839,732 335,893 151,152 100,768 50,384 33,589 503,839 60,461 327,496 25,192 90,691
Esper Class Aircraft Carrier 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kesh Class Modern Attack Submarine 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0
Indigo Class Gunboat 13 5 2 2 1 1 8 1 5 0 1
Bijeko Class Attack Craft 4 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0
Alpha Class Proximity Aircraft 26 10 5 3 2 1 15 2 10 1 3
Aead Class Attack Helicopter 51 20 9 6 3 2 31 4 20 2 6
Zibertian Class Cruiser 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Northman Class Corvette 5 2 1 1 0 0 3 0 2 0 1
Rey Class Submersible Destroyer 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0
Simia Class Battle Tank 504 202 91 61 30 20 303 36 197 15 54
Nuncrest Class Armored Infantry 1,009 403 182 121 61 40 605 73 393 30 109
Ossyo Class Armored Anti-Aircraft 1,261 504 227 151 76 50 757 91 492 38 136
Lucinspire Class Heavy Tank 504 202 91 61 30 20 303 36 197 15 54
Empire Class Light Tank 721 288 130 87 43 29 433 52 281 22 78
Petal Class Unmanned Aircraft 1,261 504 227 151 76 50 757 91 492 38 136
P62 Rifle 336,246 134,498 60,524 40,350 20,175 13,450 201,748 24,210 131,136 10,087 36,315
p62 Rifle W/Grenade Launcher 252,185 100,874 45,393 30,262 15,131 10,087 151,311 18,157 98,352 7,566 27,236
P62 Commando 219,292 87,717 39,473 26,315 13,158 8,772 131,575 15,789 85,524 6,579 23,684
P62 Covert 201,748 80,699 36,315 24,210 12,105 8,070 121,049 14,526 78,682 6,052 21,789
Shirley 9mm Pistol 504,370 201,748 90,787 60,524 30,262 20,175 302,622 36,315 196,704 15,131 54,472
P29 Sniper Rifle 126,092 50,437 22,697 15,131 7,566 5,044 75,655 9,079 49,176 3,783 13,618
836-C "83-SixtyC" Compound Intercept 99 40 18 12 6 4 60 7 39 3 11
Momiji Class Orbital Destroyer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Antractic Class Sea Bomber 19 8 3 2 1 1 11 1 7 1 2
Quadwalker "Horehound" 4170 28 11 5 3 2 1 17 2 11 1 3
Quadwalker "Dungbeetle" 4172 19 7 3 2 1 1 11 1 7 1 2
Quadwalker "Deve-Adred" 4187 12 5 2 1 1 0 7 1 5 0 1
Quadwalker "Oble-Lisea" 4189 158 63 28 19 9 6 95 11 62 5 17
152mm Howitzer 2,967 1,187 534 356 178 119 1,780 214 1,157 89 320
Yurish KV-1 2,967 1,187 534 356 178 119 1,780 214 1,157 89 320
Yurish KV-2 1,286 514 231 154 77 51 771 93 501 39 139
Yurish KV-3 494 198 89 59 30 20 297 36 193 15 53
Yurish KA 297 119 53 36 18 12 178 21 116 9 32
Yursh KAS 7,911 3,164 1,424 949 475 316 4,747 570 3,085 237 854
M15 Adrian Helmet 1,236 494 222 148 74 49 742 89 482 37 133
80mm Field Gun 6 2 1 1 0 0 3 0 2 0 1
Dolstier I (Main Battle Tank) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ozymandias Dreadnought Class 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kattei Class Battleship 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Blackrock Class Carrier 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Magicarp Class Frigate 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Sheng Class Cruiser 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Raven IV Model 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jan-Van-Gent Model 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
N.E.W. Blaecscúr 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Aetgar Coastal Defence System 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
N.E.W. R-06 MBT 6 2 1 1 0 0 4 0 2 0 1
N.E.W. L-10 APC 7,713 3,085 1,388 926 463 309 4,628 555 3,008 231 833
N.E.W. G36 Range 5,340 2,136 961 641 320 214 3,204 384 2,083 160 577
N.E.W. BRNEC-20 4,925 1,970 886 591 295 197 2,955 355 1,921 148 532
N.E.W. SMG5 4,391 1,756 790 527 263 176 2,634 316 1,712 132 474
N.E.W. Ondrysen Rifle 6 2 1 1 0 0 4 0 2 0 1
LandFara MOD Series 6 2 1 1 0 0 4 0 2 0 1
LandFara Grendel 6 2 1 1 0 0 4 0 2 0 1
LandFara þorn 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
LAC Buladocga 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Operational Activity
Date Formation Subject Summary
43.01 PSSC League of the Southern Strait Operation 43.01 Strait of Haifa The League of the Southern Strait supports Bassarid security and interests along the Southern Strait of Haifa.
  • Blore Heath Division:
    • 43.12 PSSC: The Blore Heath Division coordinates with the Fleet of Rouge Divers to provide security for merchants bringing goods such as cinnamon and silk to the Strait of Haifa.
    • 43.14 PSSC: The Blore Heath Division oversees the peaceful relocation of indigenous Centauri-Rouge to Bassarid trading posts around the Eastern Isles.
    • 44.44 PSSC: The Blore Heath Division concludes operations started in 43.14, and resumes operations started in 43.12.
  • Mylecia Division
    • 43.57 PSSC: The Mylecia Division purges the city of forces and individuals loyal to a pretender to the Robes of the Priestess of Agripinilla.
    • 44.44 PSSC: The Mylecia Division declares victory in operations started in 43.57, and resumes its original mission.
  • Jogi Division
    • 43.57 PSSC: The Jogi Division supports the Tel-Amin Division and the Diamandis Division in a campaign aimed at expelling anti-Bassarid extremists from the Valley of Diamonds.
  • Tel-Amin Division
    • 43.57 PSSC: The Tel-Amin Division supports the Jogi Division and the Diamandis Division in a campaign aimed at expelling anti-Bassarid extremists from the Valley of Diamonds.


43.01 PSSC League of the Northern Strait Operation 43.01 Strait of Haifa The League of the Southern Strait supports Bassarid security and interests along the Southern Strait of Haifa.
  • Vaeringheim Division:
    • 43.57 PSSC: The Vaeringheim Division supports the Haifa Division and the Jezeri Division in a campaign aimed at re-establishing formal control of the Abeisan Archipelago.
    • 43.81 PSSC: The Vaeringheim Division launches a campaign aimed at purging Vaeringheim of Noctic Vampires.
    • 44.07 PSSC: The Vaeringheim Division dissolves the independent government of Vaeringheim, and establishes a military junta in the city.
  • Haifa Division
    • 43.14 PSSC: The Haifa Division allocates resources to support the Tel-Amin in Diamandis Armies in their campaigns to prevent the spread of Noctic-Rabrev cartels in the cities.
    • 43.57 PSSC: The Haifa Division is supported by the Vaeringheim Division and the Jezeri Division in a campaign aimed at re-establishing formal control of the Abeisan Archipelago.
    • 44.44 PSSC: The Haifa Division declares victory in its campaign to establish formal control over the Abeisan Archipelago, and deploys forces in support of the Vaeringheim Military Junta of 44.07.
  • Jezeri Division
    • 43.57 PSSC: The Jezeri Division supports the Vaeringheim Division and the Haifa Division in a campaign aimed at re-establishing formal control of the Abeisan Archipelago.
    • 43.76 PSSC: The Jezeri Division establishes a provisional Bassarid government in the Abeisan Archipelago.
  • Hatch Ministry Division
    • 43.38 PSSC: The Hatch Ministry disrupts the flow of goods illegally smuggled into Leng from the war-torn regions of northern Benacia.
    • 43.57 PSSC: The Hatch Ministry oversees the mass arrests executions of refugees attempting to escape the fallout of civil wars in mainland Benacia.
    • 44.07 PSSC: The Hatch Ministry targets merchant vessels traveling to and from the city-states of former Nova England.


Arms Sourcing Information

Port of Corumia

45.53 PSSC

Unit Number
Esper Class Aircraft Carrier 4
Kesh Class Modern Attack Submarine 26
Indigo Class Gunboat 130
Bijeko Class Attack Craft 39
Alpha Class Proximity Aircraft 261
Aead Class Attack Helicopter 521
Zibertian Class Cruiser 11
Northman Class Corvette 52
Rey Class Submersible Destroyer 26
Simia Class Battle Tank 5,214
Nuncrest Class Armored Infantry 10,429
Ossyo Class Armored Anti-Aircraft 13,036
Lucinspire Class Heavy Tank 5,214
Empire Class Light Tank 7,449
Petal Class Unmanned Aircraft 13,036
P62 Rifle 3,476,171
p62 Rifle W/Grenade Launcher 2,607,129
P62 Commando 2,267,068
P62 Covert 2,085,703
Shirley 9mm Pistol 5,214,257
P29 Sniper Rifle 1,303,564
836-C "83-SixtyC" Compound Intercept 3,476
Momiji Class Orbital Destroyer 2
Antractic Class Sea Bomber 391
Quadwalker "Horehound" 4170 1,117
Quadwalker "Dungbeetle" 4172 745
Quadwalker "Deve-Adred" 4187 497
Quadwalker "Oble-Lisea" 4189 398

Southern Port of Keltiania

45.53 PSSC

Unit Number
Esper Class Aircraft Carrier 4
Kesh Class Modern Attack Submarine 26
Indigo Class Gunboat 123
Bijeko Class Attack Craft 37
Alpha Class Proximity Aircraft 251
Aead Class Attack Helicopter 497
Zibertian Class Cruiser 11
Northman Class Corvette 49
Rey Class Submersible Destroyer 26
Simia Class Battle Tank 14,961
Nuncrest Class Armored Infantry 29,921
Ossyo Class Armored Anti-Aircraft 37,401
Lucinspire Class Heavy Tank 14,961
Empire Class Light Tank 21,394
Petal Class Unmanned Aircraft 37,401
P62 Rifle 9,973,669
p62 Rifle W/Grenade Launcher 7,480,270
P62 Commando 6,504,618
P62 Covert 5,984,216
Shirley 9mm Pistol 14,960,540
P29 Sniper Rifle 3,740,135
836-C "83-SixtyC" Compound Intercept 497
Momiji Class Orbital Destroyer 1
Antractic Class Sea Bomber 374