MicrasWiki:Featured/May, 2022
The Dark Berry Islands civil war, lasting seven years from 1.IV.1699 AN to 20.XIII.1706 AN, surrounded the leadership of the Dark Berry Islands. Following the independence of the Dark Berry Islands in 1688, a number of domestic issues which had left an ineffective and unpopular leadership allowed for a coup by a political dissident, who began a brutal authoritarian campaign to install himself as the leader of the country and to install an authoritarian and paternalistic government centred around a cult-of-personality. Despite gaining control of the majority of land in the country, the establishment of a rival functioning government, set up by the sister of tyrant, and intervention by neighbouring countries, namely Hurmu, Lac Glacei and the Hexarchy on her behalf, swung the tide of the war, and eventually the installation of a new democratic regime on the islands and the end of the authoritarian tyranny. More...