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Anton Trexeller

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Anton Trexeller
1671 300918-Trexeller A.png
Physical information
Species Human
Race Alexandro-Elw
Gender Male
Biographical information
Date of birth 16.XI.1640
Date of death 20.XIV.1695 AN

Anton Trexeller, Senior Commercial Officer for the ESB Cibola, the Honourable Company's new south seas operation (1675–1676). ESB Director of Cibolan Operations (1676–). Inspector of International Trade and Commerce for the Elwynnese Republic (1676–1681). President of the Elwynnese Congress (1681–1683). Commissioner for Food (1692 AN –1695). Perished during the Scourging (20.XIV.1695), a nuclear exchange which saw the destruction of Islus during the final months of the Second Elwynnese Civil War.