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Lee Oswell Jackson

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Lee Oswell Jackson (born 12.XX.1987XX) is an Aldurian academic, physician and a politician for the Social Democrat Party (SDP).

He is now currently running for office in the elections in the regional province of Alduria. He either could win in the big offices or win a seat as town mayor, or his/her assistant, of Tiberias or Piriya for a newly established party (SDP) which promises the people advancements and better life quality if they win a seat.

Lee entered the world of politics by first running for mayor's office to participate someday in the government in Piriya, if he is rejected he will run Again in Tiberias. He describes himself as a social democrat and to be "a man of the people". He currently has not won any seats but upcoming elections could determine his fate in politics. He is popular in funding cultural, economic and local initiatives using funds for his campaign from donations or business or “...”

Born to a well off family, he managed to attend the University of Cambrechia, and is a graduate of the Dos Gardenias School of Medicine.