Flag of Çeridgul

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The Banner of the Eyes of Taghli, the national flag of Çeridgul.

The banner that has, since contact, been generally acknowledged as the national flag of Çeridgul is known internally as the Banner of the Eyes of Taghli. The field of the flag is red; in the center is a larger tan circle, with two smaller ones to either side: yellow to the left, white to the right. The tan circle is a representation of the physical world, which the Çerid, accustomed to living in and around deserts, traditionally consider to be mostly that color. The yellow circle is the sun and the white one the moon, each of them being one of the eyes of [[Taghlishen#Taghli|Taghli, the creator goddess.

The flag symbolizes the eternal and watchful gaze of Taghli upon Her creation, and its original use as a banner of safe-conduct for those transiting private property was meant as a reminder that, however rightful a landlady's claim to her territory is, there are some rights given by Taghli to all Her children that cannot be lightly revoked. The sense of unity conveyed by this symbolism was felt appropriate when it came time for the Çerid to present themselves to the world at large.