National Salvation Front

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During the Hammish Civil War the flag of the NSF consisted of an orange flame atop a red background.

The National Salvation Front was a group of Pallisican-backed Hammish rebels who, during the Hammish Civil War opposed the regime of the National Provisional Authority. A well organized and well equipped fighting force, whose fighters came mostly from rural backgrounds in the Hammish regions of Anglia and Israat, the National Salvation Front played a key role in operations such as the Macsen Campaign, although it was less successful in later missions involving the attempted capture of the Hammish capital of New Kirrie.

The National Salvation Front was an umbrella organization for various groups based in eastern Hamland, now Caputia. Some of these major groups are the Israat Loyalists, the powerful Order of Rochefort and the labor syndicates, the National Labour Association.

During efforts to unify the Hammish opposition against the National Provisional Authority, the National Salvation Front became a key player in backing Regina Ravaillac for Queen and hastening the end of the Hammish Civil War.


Hammish Civil War

Macsen Campaign

New Kirrie Campaign

Post War