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The Blacksmiths are a secretive fraternal organisation that formed in Nova England during the fifteenth hundreds. The organisation traces itself to the early guilds of blacksmiths which would liaise with the authorities and clients to agree standards and pricing. There are three main classes which form the foundation of the group which are Apprentice, Farrier and Master Smith. Each of these classes are gained as members gain experience and undertake ‘degrees’ in meeting halls known as ‘Forge Houses’.

Beliefs & Objectives

Due to the secretive nature of the Blacksmiths their exact beliefs and objectives are not fully known. However in past interviews with the official spokesman of the group, members are expected to believe in the supremacy of Nova England and to ensure that regardless of any calamity that might strike against the nation they will keep the embers of the Faedertellus alive, ready to be stoked into life.


Membership into the Blacksmiths is by invitation only, existing members will nominate a candidate who will then be approached and offered six months’ probation. Following this the candidate will undertake a number of initiation ceremonies and tests. After which they receive the identifying brand of an anvil to the underside of their right wrist. Proposed candidates can be either male or female with no discrimination against either gender. However they must be above the age of eighteen although there is no upper age limit.


The Blacksmiths were thought to have numbered around 100,000 members prior to the Evacuations and the Great Disaster. Following which many members dispersed either to Forge Houses outside of Nova England, existing Forge Houses in Mercurian Nova England or remaining in situ. It is widely believed that the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Nova England in early 2017 was advanced by a cabal of former military figures who had been long term members of the organisation. However these claims have not been confirmed or denied by the government or Blacksmith Spokesmen.