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Orbital characteristics
Mass (Kg) 2.0E+20
Radius (Km) 175
Solar Day (h) 24
Orbital Period (days) 30
Semi-Major Axis (Km) 5.25E+05
Periapsis (AU) .003
Apoapsis (AU) .004
Albedo .27
Surface Temperature (K) 288
Surface Gravity (m/s^2) 0.25
Axial Tilt (degrees) 6
Inclination (degrees) 5
Orbital Speed (Km/s) 1.0
Atmospheric Characteristics
Albedo .27
Atmosphere Mass (kg) 5.0E+18
Mass of Air Column (kg) Not specified
Surface Density (kg/m3) 1.2
Mean Molecular Weight Dry Air (g/mol) 28.97
Degrees of Freedom 5
Specific Heat Const Pressure (Cv) 718
Lapse Rate Dry Adiabatic (K/m) 0.0098
Emissivity IR 1
Visual Temperature (K) 288
Effective Temperature (K) 255
Surface Pressure (lb/in2) 14.7
Co2PPMV 400
Co2 Emissions (Metric Ton per Capita) N/A
Heat Capacity of Land J/(kg K) 800
Heat Capacity of Sea J/(kg K) 4000

Ampelos is one of the ten lesser moons of Thalassa and is notable for being the only celestial body aside from Micras and its moon, Tarsica known to sustain life[1]. Its unique environment and characteristics have made it a subject of great interest to scientists and explorers alike. The moon features diverse regions, each with its own distinct environmental conditions and life forms.

North Polar Regions

The Northern Polar Region of Ampelos is characterized by its frigid temperatures and expansive ice fields. The surface is mostly covered in ice, with occasional rocky outcrops. This region is believed to support unique thermophilic bacteria that thrive in the cold, contributing to nutrient cycles and providing a foundation for the local ecosystem.

Equatorial Regions

The Equatorial Region of Ampelos is relatively milder compared to the polar regions. It is here that lichen-like organisms are believed to thrive, clinging to rocky and icy surfaces. These organisms are likely capable of photosynthesis and form the base of the food chain. The region's climate allows for a more diverse range of life forms, including simple multicellular organisms. The equatorial zone's stability makes it an ideal location for scientific research and exploration.

Southern Polar Regions

The Southern Polar Region is similar to the Northern Polar Region but likely features more subsurface aquatic life. Beneath the surface ice, liquid water exists, capable of supporting a variety of aquatic organisms. These life forms have intricate body structures adapted to the cold and dark environment. The underwater habitats are believed to be vibrant and teeming with life, making the Southern Polar Region a fascinating area for study.

Life on Ampelos

Ampelos is the only known moon or planet aside from Micras and Tarsica to sustain life. Its ecosystem is believed to be composed of various extremophiles, microorganisms, and more complex life forms that have likely adapted to the harsh conditions. It is suspected that these life forms include thermophilic bacteria, lichen-like organisms, and subsurface aquatic life.


  1. ^ Indigo was also previously recorded as being theoretically capable of sustaining life.