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Cortes Federales Constitutional Amendment and Democratization Act, 1721

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Cortes Federales Constitutional Amendment and Democratization Act, 1721
Long title An Act to Amend the Proclamation of Punta Santiago To Promote Democracy, Representation, and Accountability in the Cortes Federales of Nouvelle Alexandrie; and for Other Purposes.
Introduced by Deputy Felipe de la Vega
Extent Entire Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie
Other legislation
Amendments None
Related legislation Proclamation of Punta Santiago

Bill as submitted to the "Hopper" of the Federal Assembly, 1721





Amend the Proclamation of Punta Santiago To Promote Democracy, Representation, and Accountability in the Cortes Federales of Nouvelle Alexandrie; and for Other Purposes.


Presented by Deputy Felipe de la Vega, FHP

Ordered, by the Cortes Federales of Nouvelle Alexandrie,
to be Printed, 1721 AN.


BE IT ENACTED by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Cortes Federales, in this present session assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-


Article 1: Citation.

  1. This act shall be officially cited as the "Cortes Federales Constitutional Amendment and Democratization Act, 1721".


Article 2: Amendments to the Proclamation of Punta Santiago.

  1. Article 38, Paragraph 6 of the Proclamation of Punta Santiago is amended as follows: "The Cortes Federales shall exercise the legislative powers of the Federation and shall adopt its Budget, control the action of the Government, and have other competencies assigned by this Proclamation. The Executive, represented by the Council of State, and the Judiciary, represented by the High Court of Justice, shall independently exercise their respective powers, ensuring a system of checks and balances."
  2. A new Article 38, Paragraph 5, with every subsequent paragraph renumbered accordingly, is inserted in the Proclamation of Punta Santiago as follows: "The Federal Assembly and the Chamber of Peers shall have the power to review and scrutinize each other's actions and decisions in order to maintain checks and balances within the legislative process."
  3. A new Article 38, Paragraph 7 is inserted in the Proclamation of Punta Santiago as follows: "The Cortes Federales shall establish and maintain transparent procedures for public engagement, including but not limited to, making all legislative proceedings and voting records available to the public and providing avenues for public comment and input."
  4. A new Article 38, Paragraph 8, with every subsequent paragraph renumbered accordingly, is inserted in the Proclamation of Punta Santiago as follows: "The Federal Assembly and the Chamber of Peers shall have the power to review and scrutinize each other's actions and decisions in order to maintain checks and balances within the legislative process."
  5. A new Article 38, Paragraph 9 is inserted in the Proclamation of Punta Santiago as follows: "The King shall hold a symbolic role in the Cortes Federales with no voting rights. Each chamber, the Federal Assembly and the Chamber of Peers, shall establish their respective voting procedures, ensuring fair and democratic decision-making."
  6. A new Article 38, Paragraph 10 is inserted in the Proclamation of Punta Santiago as follows: "In the legislative process, the Federal Assembly shall have supremacy over the Chamber of Peers. In case a bill that has been voted to approve by the Federal Assembly does not receive any action in the Chamber of Peers within a period of 60 AN days from its receipt, it shall be deemed as passed by the Chamber of Peers. Consequently, the bill shall automatically be dispatched to the King for Royal Assent."
  7. Article 39, Paragraph 5 of the Proclamation of Punta Santiago is amended as follows: "The Cortes Federales shall establish, in a Cortes Federales Act, the process by which laws are made, including proposal, debate, voting, amendment, and how they receive royal assent."
  8. A new Article 39, Paragraph 6 is inserted in the Proclamation of Punta Santiago as follows: "The Cortes Federales shall implement strict anti-corruption measures and promote a code of ethics to guide the conduct of its members. This includes procedures for investigating and punishing corrupt or unethical behavior."
  9. Article 39, Paragraph 7 of the Proclamation of Punta Santiago is amended as follows: "Members of the Cortes Federales enjoy immunity for opinions expressed in the exercise of their functions. However, this immunity does not extend to criminal actions committed outside of their legislative duties."
  10. Article 39, Paragraph 1 of the Proclamation is amended as follows: "The Federal Assembly shall be composed of all of the Deputies elected from each of the Regions by proportional representation, and the additional At-Large Regional Deputies, two for each Region, elected nationally in a run-off election. The apportionment, regulation, and election procedures for these seats shall be prescribed by law."
  11. Article 39, Paragraph 2 of the Proclamation is amended as follows: "The Chamber of Peers shall be composed of all the Peers of the Realm, and of distinguished citizens from various sectors of New Alexandrian society, including academia, science, culture, education, health care, religion, public service and the arts. The process for their appointment and their term limits shall be established by law. All Regional Governors and all Regional Speakers of the unicameral Regional Assemblies or legislatures shall be members of the Chamber of Peers during their term in office."
  12. A new Article 39, Paragraph 3, with every subsequent paragraph renumbered accordingly, is inserted in the Proclamation of Punta Santiago as follows: "A bipartisan Royal Peer Selection Committee, comprising representatives from various sectors of society, shall be established by law to propose candidates for the Chamber of Peers. The committee shall strive for a balanced and diverse representation of the New Alexandrian people in its selection, to be established by law."
  13. A new Article 39, Paragraph 11 of the Proclamation is inserted in the Proclamation of Punta Santiago as follows: "The Speaker of the Federal Assembly is designated as the Presiding Officer of the Federal Assembly. The Lord President of the Chamber of Peers is designated as the Presiding Officer of the Chamber of Peers."


Article 4: Legislative Measures for Implementation.

  1. In compliance with Article 38, Paragraph 6, the Federal Assembly and the Chamber of Peers shall create a Joint Legislative Committee for Transparency and Openness to oversee the implementation of transparent legislative procedures. This committee will be responsible for setting up platforms for public access to legislative proceedings, voting records, and facilitating public comment and input.
  2. The Federal Assembly shall, in accordance with Article 38, Paragraph 9, establish its own voting procedures that align with democratic principles and principles of representation. The Chamber of Peers shall do the same.
  3. The Federal Assembly shall ensure the enactment of Article 38, Paragraph 10, by setting up procedural norms to monitor the progress of bills passed by the Federal Assembly in the Chamber of Peers and to ensure their automatic dispatch to the King for Royal Assent after a period of 60 AN days from receipt..
  4. To fulfill Article 39, Paragraph 6, a Joint Anti-Corruption and Ethics Committee shall be established within the Cortes Federales. This Committee shall be tasked with drafting a code of ethics and a series of anti-corruption measures, to be adopted as law.


Article 5: Closing Provisions.

  1. This act shall apply to all of the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie.
  2. This act shall not become law unless it has been given Royal Assent.
  3. This act shall be published and made publicly available.
  4. If any provision of this act, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the act, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.