Lucidese Pro League

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Lucidese Pro League
Countries San Lucido San Lucido
Confederation EMUFA
Founded 2023
Number of teams 16
Levels on pyramid 1
Relegation to Lucidese Second Division
Domestic cup(s) Lucidese National Cup
International cup(s) EMUFA Champions' League
2023–24 Lucidese Pro League

The Lucidese Pro League (LPL) is the top-tier professional football league in San Lucido.


The Lucidese Pro League follows a round-robin format, where each team competes against all other teams twice - once at their home stadium and once away. The matches are played throughout the year, with a designated schedule that allows fans to follow their favorite teams throughout the season. The football season starts in July and ends in May, a peculiar choice dictated by the country's climate.


The Lucidese Pro League comprises sixteen teams, each with its unique history and fan base. These teams represent different cities, towns, and communities within San Lucido, fostering a sense of local pride and identity. The league showcases the finest football talent in the region and serves as a platform for players to showcase their skills and compete at a high level. The team names in the league exhibit a rich variety of languages spoken in the nation, including Istvanistani, Norse, Lucidian, and Vegnian. These names serve as a testament to the cultural heritage and linguistic tapestry that characterizes San Lucido.

Team Location Stadium Capacity Joined
Jegerin Sportsklubb Zhonorinia 2023
Commenda Mariners Commenda 2023
Goffia City Goffia 2023
Athletic Kamarate Cammarata 2023
Cantorunno Markovia Santa Markovia 2023
Sburo Pandolfia Pandolfia 2023
Vegnenerstombi '23 Stombi 2023
Union Garda Garda 2023
Lokomotiv Askot Ascotta 2023
Grasmeer Rangers Grassomera 2023
Radioaktiv Uranbyen Urania 2023
Steinbroen Fotballklubb Steinbroen 2023
Solidarietà e Progresso Nuova Cossa 2023
Francavidd IDP Francavidd Marittima 2023
Nuova Cossa Orientale Nuova Cossa 2023
CSCV Cammarata 2023


Foreign Players

The LPL has implemented several unique rules and regulations to ensure a competitive and balanced football competition. One notable rule is the maximum limit of foreign players allowed in each team's squad. The LPL enforces a strict cap of five foreign players per team, with players from Vegno exempted from this restriction. This rule aims to encourage the development of local talent and promote opportunities for homegrown players to showcase their skills at the highest level.
